parallax in a sentence 2

Use ‘parallax’ in a sentence | ‘parallax’ example sentences

51- Jordan’s murderous activity during Emerald Twilight was retconned as being influenced by a fear entity parallax.

52- Kyle’s childhood home, has appeared once again since Circle of Fire during a battle with parallax inside Kyle’s mind.

53- Davis also contributed shorter poems to magazines such as parallax, Splash, and Brief Description of the Whole World.

54- They arrived at a figure for the solar parallax of 9½”, equivalent to an Earth-Sun distance of about 22,000 Earth radii.

55- parallax scanning depth enhancing imaging methods rely on discrete parallax differences between depth planes in a scene.

56- The M68 is parallax -free at around 50 yards, meaning that the red dot will not change position based on eye position at that range.

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