parade in a sentence 2

Use ‘parade’ in a sentence | ‘parade’ example sentences

51- Don’t make such a parade of your wealth.

52- The parade stretched over several blocks.

53- I was in a good position to see the parade.

54- The children chased after the circus parade.

55- He’s mowed down a parade of challengers before.

56- They leaned out of the window to watch the parade.

57- The parade took about 3 hours to pass by our store.

58- The people stood up so as to see the parade better.

59- People massed along the streets to watch the parade.

60- Find someone who sometimes panics before exaMs. paradeThe sunlight glared down on the marchers in the parade.

61- I left at once, otherwise I would have missed the parade.

62- The parade lead to the Hindu temple in the center of town.

63- The festivities started with a parade through the streets.

64- Find someone who has seen a parade in this country.

65- paradigmThe Santa Claus parade wound along First Avenue to the park.

66- Find someone who has marched in a parade or as a soldier.

67- marginThe new recruits were on parade in the plaza by 7:00 this morning.

68- The veterans marched in the parade, their chests covered in medals.

69- The parade was a demonstration of the government’s military strength.

70- The popular singer has been named Grand Marshal of the Christmas parade.

71- The veterans marched proudly in the parade to the applause of the spectators.

72- The parade was led by a vintage pink Cadillac carrying the mayor and his wife.

73- The parade was an obvious demonstration of the government’s military strength.

74- Discussion question: Describe a parade you have seen in your country, or in another country.

75- If we want to see the parade, we should go early, so we can find a place to sit on the curb.

76- The parade featured a group of performing dogs, which did tricks and delighted the spectators.

77- Mike Ditka once observed that if you’re not in the parade, you watch the parade.

78- That’s life.

79- parade marshals were stationed at various points along the route to ensure that everything went smoothly.

80- There will be a parade down Douglas Street today to celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s liberation.

81- There were some excellent school bands from the U.S. playing in this year’s Victoria Day parade.

82- Author Edgar Allan Poe was expelled from West Point Military Academy for showing up for a public parade wearing only a white belt and gloves.

83- Writer Edgar Allan Poe was expelled from West Point Military Academy for showing up for a public parade wearing only a white belt and gloves.

84- In England in the 1800s, a man could take his unwanted wife to the market, parade her around with a rope around her neck, and sell her to the highest bidder.

85- Franklin Roosevelt once said that the loneliest feeling in the world is when you think you are leading the parade, and turn to find that no one is following you.

86- … Or did you consider the parade of nations a browsing opportunity?’

87- “It was my first Pride parade, and it created many indelible memories.

88- During the pageant parade, she wore a specially designed jingle-dress.

89- Gear up, ship out and take on a never-ending parade of walking corpses.

90- She had taken a bus from Maidstone town centre to the Mangravet parade.

91- Margie thought the parade would be a good advertisement for the Marina.

92- Saturday: after the parade the McDade pavilion east from 10am to 3:00pm.

93- On Saturday there were speeches from local leaders and a parade with music.

94- Veterans at the parade spoke of their pride at having fought the Americans.

95- The Dia de los Muertos parade in the Mission District might provide a clue.

96- The Harvest Festival parade will start at 10 a.m. and run through the city.

97- Sunday is when the pride events come to a head with the 37th annual parade.

98- Stay tuned for highlights from Day Two, which has a parade on the itinerary.

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