papyrus in a sentence 2

Use ‘papyrus’ in a sentence | ‘papyrus’ example sentences

51- The use of papyrus reed rafts continued and they are still made by fishermen in Ethiopia.

52- Unreferenced NASCAR Racing 3 is a racing simulator produced by papyrus Design Group in 1999.

53- A similar problem appears in the Rhind Mathematical papyrus (Problem 79), dated to around 1650 BC.

54- Problem 14 of the Moscow Mathematical papyrus computes the volume of a truncated pyramid, also known as a frustum.

55- Some examples include: * Problems 35-38 in the Rhind Mathematical papyrus find fractions of the hekat.

56- In 1910 he undertook the publication of The Forum and of The papyrus (the later for author Michael Monahan).

57- Holdings include art, papyrus scrolls, mummies, tools, clothing, jewelry, games, musical instruments, and weapons.

58- When opened, the eight columns thus presented to the reader have much of the appearance of the succession of columns in a papyrus roll.

59- The papyrus mentioned an attempt by robbers to plunder the royal tomb by digging a tunnel from another tomb belonging to a private individual.

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