papillae in a sentence

Use ‘papillae’ in a sentence | ‘papillae’ example sentences

1- These plates are usually obscured by papillae .

2- There was a pair of lateral cervical papillae .

3- The genital slits are lined with relatively large pointed papillae .

4- The oral papillae are reduced and resemble large flattened granules.

5- Tiny bumps called papillae give the tongue its rough texture.

6- Often there are two papillae on each side.

7- The infradental papillae are square or sometimes conical in smaller specimens.

8- The infradental papillae are conical often contiguous.

9- Alternatively the tentacle scales may lie above the distal oral papillae .

10- The oral papillae are blunt conical and rugose.

11- Thousands of taste buds cover the surfaces of the papillae .

12- The distalmost papillae may appear to be slightly curved.

13- The genital papillae are thin and spiniform.

14- The oral papillae are reduced resembling irregularly arranged, enlarged granules.

15- The distal oral papillae are broad and scale-like.

16- The distal oral papillae are large and scale-like.

17- The oral papillae are usually pointed although distalmost ones may be slightly rectangular.

18- The infradental papillae are block-like or conical sometimes contiguous.

19- Several papillae may lie above it.

20- There are 5-6 oral papillae and 5 or more supplementary papillae.

21- There are 5-6 oral papillae and 5 or more supplementary papillae .

22- The papillae are highly distasteful and deter fish from making a second assault.

23- Scraping off the papillae corrects this harmless condition.

24- The flattened, atrophic lingual papillae makes the tongue smooth and shiny.

25- Side effects with prolonged use might occur, including hypertrophy lingual papillae .

26- The two oral papillae contiguous with the infradental papillae.

27- The two oral papillae contiguous with the infradental papillae .

28- The infradental papillae are block-like usually contiguous.

29- The infradental papillae are block-like sometimes contiguous.

30- The infradental papillae are block-like often contiguous.

31- Many of the suckers are lined with papillae or hooks for adhesion.

32- The infradental papillae are block-like and contiguous.

33- The infradental papillae are block-like and contiguous.

34- Distal to the oral papillae the second oral tentacle pore is particularly prominent.

35- Several specimens have contiguous block-like infradental papillae with tricuspid teeth.

36- The distalmost papillae are usually enlarged.

37- The infradental papillae are conical in small specimens, block-like in larger ones.

38- Whether this is a true oral papillae or a modified tentacle scale is uncertain.

39- The apical papilla is large and blunt with 4 or 5 contiguous oral papillae .

40- Distinctive elevated papillae with black centers. This layer includes the bumpy papillae, which contain the taste buds.

41- Eimer’s organs are sensory organs in which the epidermis is modified to form bulbous papillae.

42- These papillae are sometimes more or less white at their tips.

43- A row of 4-5 papillae (nipple-like structures) is found across the floor of the mouth.

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