palace in a sentence 4

Use ‘palace’ in a sentence | ‘palace’ example sentences

151- Of his decorative works the best known are the ones for the Parliament and the Adria palace.

152- Ping leaves the palace with Kai to search for the Dragon Haven to further insure his safety.

153- He also opened in the palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh with ‘no less than seventy-one halls’.

154- The palace was more frequently used when the city of Rio de Janeiro was the Capital of Brazil.

155- Londo shows Sheridan the Centauri capital city through the palace windows, and it is in ruins.

156- The palace also houses, in its courtyard, one of the four statues of Buddha in Alappuzha District.

157- Hercules halts Pelias’ cavalry dead in its tracks by toppling the portico of the palace upon them.

158- The palace houses, in its courtyard, one of the four statues of Buddha found in Alappuzha District.

159- Some 20,000 residents died during the sige and every church, public building, and palace was looted.

160- Rapunzel paints the village and then steps through, arriving at the palace gardens and meets Stefan.

161- Bishop Cosin’s Hall Cosin’s Hall on palace Green was opened as the university’s third college in 1851.

162- The golden palace Aditya Karikala built for his father Sundara Chola is an example for such a building.

163- P. 164. He was the first monarch to perform the ceremony in Scotland at Holyrood palace on 18 June 1633.

164- The work was revised and performed at the theatre of the Laxenburg palace of that city in September 1770.

165- Summary Scan of original printed letter to Energy Matters editors from Buckingham palace in October 1980.

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