painters in a sentence 2

Use ‘painters’ in a sentence | ‘painters’ example sentences

51- They are judged by a panel of painters, art critics, and scholars before being displayed.

52- Joseph Parrocel He was born in an artistic family that produced fourteen painters over six generations.

53- However, several painters contributed to Faroese artists developing a passion for many different styles and subjects.

54- A wall monument in the north aisle carries inscriptions to four members of the Randle Holme family, memorial painters.

55- The Oxford Palmette Class is the name given both to a class of ancient Attic ‘’ kylikes ’’ and to the group of vase painters that made them.

56- Giorgio Vasari The continued admiration that Leonardo commanded from painters, critics and historians is reflected in many other written tributes.

57- In 2009 Whelan co-curated The Quiet Men – London Irish painters, the first major international tour (UK, Spain and US) of contemporary London Irish art.

58- In summer exhibition of the fine arts in the painters‘ House.

59- He was a member of UNESCO International Federation of painters.

60- Ensor has been paid homage by contemporary painters Mohammed, Nisha.

61- Membership included painters and sculptors and was by invitation only.

62- He is one of several painters who have lived in the block over the century.

63- The slow-drying properties of organic oils were commonly known to early painters.

64- I heard him say: All the painters who make pictures would be in the fire of Hell.

65- During Van Gogh’s stay, the rooms were all occupied by Dutch and American painters.

66- He married in 1418, and in 1424 was registered in the Guild of painters at Florence.

67- Some regard him as the last of the Flemish painters not to show an Italian influence.

68- Former Red House painters guitarist Phil Carney guests on guitar on some of the songs.

69- They are also employed as motor mechanics, carpenters, welders, turners, finters and painters.

70- A chronological history of the old English landscape painters (in oil), Volume 7. *Owen, Felicity.

71- Early influences included Caponigro, Edward Weston and the 19th century American Luminist painters.

72- M. Lambraki-Plaka, El Greco-The Greek, 49 Only his son and a few unknown painters produced weak copies of his works.

73- ” In Other Media Visual depictions “La Belle Dame sans Merci” was a popular subject for the Pre-Raphaelite painters.

74- Jean Court, called Vigier, was one of the most skilful of the enamel painters who flourished at Limoges in the 16th century.

75- Suzhou, the activity center for Wumen School painters, became the biggest center for the Chinese painting during this period.

76- Retrieved on March 17, 2011 Due to his pioneering career, Thompson was referred to as the “Dean of Colorado painters“.

77- Hopper also rejected comparisons with Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton stating “I think the American Scene painters caricatured America.

78- Early Netherlandish painting and painters are known by a variety of of terms, “Late Gothic” and the “Flemish Primitives” being other common designations.

79- The Norwich school of painters were influenced by the achievements of Dutch landscape painting and the beauty of the rural hinterland surrounding Norwich.

80- The Elasto painters were aiming for a semifinal berth when they were defeated by the eventual champions Talk ‘N Text Tropang Texters in the elimination round.

81- The scribal profession had companion professions, the painters and artisans who decorated reliefs and other relics with scenes, personages, or hieroglyphic text.

82- The scenic nature with mountains and lakes is usually regarded among the most picturesque in Sweden, and has inspired painters and writers since the 19th century.

83- When a dream of a full-scale municipal museum in Tel-Aviv began to take shape Gliksberg was invited to serve on the Museum Committee representing painters and sculptors.

84- Masruq said: I heard Abdullah b. Mas’ud as saying Allah’s Messenger had said: The most grievously tormented people on the Day of Resurrection would be the painters of pictures.

85- Hans Falk was one of the most important modern Swiss painters.

86- Arild was (and is) very popular with painters and other artists.

87- “Bierstadt and Other 19th-Century American painters in Context”.

88- His influences are Victorian art and contemporary “fantasy painters.

89- Among his disciples were painters Marques Junior and Henrique Cavalleiro.

90- The Color Field painters sought to rid their art of superfluous rhetoric.

91- Biography and works Nerio was born around 1280 in Siena to a family of painters.

92- Four of Passarotti’s sons, including Ventura, Aurelio, Tiburzio, and Passarotto were painters.

93- Bedri Rahmi belonged to the D Group of painters, and founded the Group of 10 for young painters.

94- Greenaway was elected to membership of the Royal Institute of painters in Water Colours in 1889.

95- Lanceray, p. 36 The other branch produced three brothers Brenni (born in 1730s), fresco painters.

96- Designer jeans with straight, cigarette-legs, and painters‘ pants then started to come into style.

97- The librarians arrange here very interesting meetings with our local composers, painters, artists.

98- They were all herald painters and genealogists and were members of the Stationers’ Company of Chester.

99- Major Michael Festing and Andrew Festing (former President of the Royal Society of Portrait painters ).

100- Few painters in Florence saw his sturdy, life-like and emotional figures and were not affected by them.

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