painter in a sentence 2

Use ‘painter’ in a sentence | ‘painter’ example sentences

51- I have wanted to be a painter for a long time.

52- He was a painter, as I knew from his appearance.

53- We had known the painter before he became famous.

54- Besides being an actress, she was a famous painter.

55- Style is to the writer what color is to the painter.

56- Besides being a statesman, he is a wellknown painter.

57- He is a famous painter and should be treated as such.

58- He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a painter.

59- Joni Mitchell is a famous singer who also has a separate career as a painter.

60- The genius of Spanish painter Diego Velázquez was nurtured by a Classical education.

61- The genius of Spanish painter Diego Velázquez was spurred by his competition with Rubens.

62- The genius of Spanish painter Diego Velázquez was stimulated by his admiration for Titian.

63- The painter is famous for his stark landscapes where nothing seems to grow amid the rocks and sand.

64- Vincent van Gogh once stated that paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter‘s soul.

65- The great Italian painter Caravaggio made no preliminary drawings of his works, he painted directly on the canvas.

66- The great Italian painter Caravaggio was forced to flee Rome after killing a man in a dispute over a tennis match.

67- Abraham Maslow once remarked that a musician must make music, a painter must paint, a poet must write if he is ultimately to be at peace with himself.

68- Florentine painter Paolo Uccello was famous for his attempts to reconcile the different artistic traditions of the late Gothic and early Renaissance periods in his works.

69- painter Salvador Dali once said that it is good taste, and good taste alone, that possesses the power to sterilize, and is always the first handicap to any creative functioning.

70- Landing a Time cover was still the pinnacle of the portrait painter’s world.

71- Ridgway, an Auburn truck painter, was arrested in 2001 based on DNA evidence.

72- There, he found refuge with his friend and a painter ? Zygmunt Andrychiewicz.

73- Christopher painter is the US State Department’s coordinator for cyber issues.

74- Billy Don was a painter and was a member of the Bethel Holiness Church in Perryton, Tx.

75- This 1687 work by Dutch Golden Age painter Michiel van Musscher is awaiting a new title.

76- 25 moonlighting celebrities 25 photos Before he was a singer, Tony Bennett was a painter.

77- As a part-time painter, she views herself as a woman who can speak her mind through color.

78- 476686Maybe lower your quote to $100,000. 7. AVANT GARDE ARTIST (poet, painter, sculptor).

79- During the altercation, painter allegedly stabbed the victim multiple times, according to Garcia.

80- Arquette, who had a second child with actor Thomas Jane, currently lives with painter Eric White.

81- Writer, painter, beekeeper and schemer Jode Roberts will lead this talk about community organizing.

82- When he was six, Beverley hired a painter to do a mural of the team’s old dinosaur logo on the wall.

83- Achieving his acclaimed performance as the masterful British landscape painter J.M.W. Turner in “Mr. “We need painter, we need carpenter, we need electrician, we need plumber, crane operators,” he says.

84- The idea for such a portrait was hatched by the Surrealist painter Salvador Dali and adroitly executed by Halsman.

85- Life Max Gubler was the son of a painter.

86- ” Roy is married to painter Joan Griswold.

87- The young Lohse dreams of becoming a painter.

88- James Thornhill was a painter of the Italianate baroque style.

89- He worked as a house painter and died of cancer in January 1980.

90- Nick Corea was also an avid painter whose works include Blue Baby.

91- Ambrogio Besozzi (1648-1706) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.

92- Ilario Casolano (1588-1661) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.

93- 1228 before 1236) was an Italian painter of the early thirteenth century.

94- Ivan Tabaković (1898-1977) was an Austro-Hungarian -born Serbian painter.

95- Charles Isaac Ginner (1878-1952) was a painter of landscape and urban subjects.

96- Family Hudson is married to artist David Cassler, a painter with an MFA from BYU.

97- Today he not only a successful painter, but also a writer, curator, and educator.

98- Carmine David Goglia (born September 18, 1952) is a scenic painter in the film industry.

99- In 1988, LDVHI enlisted sculptor/painter Garth Herrick to begin part-time work on the horse.

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