pain in a sentence 4

Use ‘pain’ in a sentence | ‘pain’ example sentences

150- There is a Latin proverb which observes that revenge is a confession of pain.

151- The baby was howling with pain and had a fever, so we took her to the doctor.

152- The old man felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and was rushed to the hospital.

153- If you rub a bee sting with a raw onion, it is supposed to take the pain away.

154- Bee stings usually cause a localized reaction with pain, swelling and itching.

155- Impressionist artist Renoir once remarked that pain passes, but beauty remains.

156- You can soothe the pain of a bee sting by rubbing it with a piece of raw onion.

157- Crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to help relieve the pain.

158- Kathleen Casey once suggested that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

159- Research shows that laughter helps people recover from trauma, and tolerate pain.

160- The old woman gave the doctor an agonized look and begged him to relieve her pain.

161- My father has had chronic back pain ever since he got injured at work 5 years ago.

162- The captain continued playing, notwithstanding the obvious pain of his knee injury.

163- ‘Cuz it’s a giant pain in the arse, if I don’t wanna do something I just won’t do it.

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