paging in a sentence

Use ‘paging’ in a sentence | ‘paging’ example sentences

1- paging is used extensively by modern multitasking operating systems.

2- This scheme is generally known as demand paging .

3- Virtual memory pages migrate between real memory and the paging devices.

4- Oh how we hated paging 640 k hell.

5- Actual paging depends on the programming language.

6- paging can occur without interaction of the user process component.

7- Just found your site by paging through Pinterest gardening posts.

8- Another likely development will be a global paging system.

9- paging messages can be used for information transfer.

10- Listen for the paging party. 3.

11- This is where Smart paging kicks in.

12- Timing-dependent components may be pinned to avoid variable paging delays.

13- Smart paging is done temporarily and only for required virtual machines.

14- They also used a microwave system monitored by a paging system.

15- The emergency room will remain the only area with overhead paging .

16- The network pages the MS with the standard paging procedure.

17- Press the Direct paging feature key or dial *37.

18- The use of paging systems is not restricted to hotels.

19- It will also provide paging of the graphics memory.

20- Marking algorithms is a general class of paging algorithms.

21- The prefix 1906 is reserved for premium-rate paging services.

22- Various methods of memory protection exist, including memory segmentation and paging .

23- A unique system ID prevents interference from paging systems in neighbouring sites.

24- Memory takes the form of RAM or paging .

25- Options for paging carriers and resellers are flexible and innovative.

26- paging is a simple but fast way to keep in touch.

27- Bellboy was the first commercial system for personal paging .

28- Windows uses the paging file as temporary storage for the memory dump.

29- paging and mobile (cellular) telephones were adopted early and freely.

30- PAE is just another form of paging .

31- Re-create the paging file on the original volume.

32- Steps were taken to reduce its memory usage through methods such as paging .

33- It is based on slab allocation method and paging memory that allows swapping.

34- Co-operative paging was finally implemented in AmigaOS 4.1.

35- When paging , please, do remember to include your contact number.

36- Our galleries have paging and infinite sub-galleries.

37- The Commander has scarcely sat down when he hears Winters paging him.

38- paging Sarah Palin: the death panel is unkillable .

39- This paging step occurs only for a transaction initiated by the network.

40- VOS systems support paging partitions and paging files. When a mobile is idle, it is mostly listening to a paging channel.

41- These services are standalone or complementary to any UK paging system employed by an organisation.

42- 2007 – paging is recognised as having provided an effective communications link during the London bomb attacks on the 7th July 2007.

43- paging and mobile (cellular) telephones were adopted early and freely.

44- LPALIB into the PLPA and write the new PLPA into the PLPA paging data set.

45- paging takes place by sending the broadcast message to all of those cells.

46- New utilities include MagnaRAM, Manifest for Windows 95. Additional Windows 95 features include optimizing paging file.

47- Here and further on, paging of this book is according to the paging of the Bulgarian translation.

48- PageNet was one of the larger paging providers who offered this service add-on to their alphanumeric pager customers.

49- He was well-acquainted with book and auction catalogs; paging through the catalogs became a welcome break in a busy day.

50- Launched in April 1997 as a paging company, FITEL expanded in May 2001 by launching a PHS network.

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