paddles in a sentence

Use ‘paddles’ in a sentence | ‘paddles’ example sentences

1- From the 1840s screw propellers replaced paddles .

2- Even without paddles the sand is welcomed.

3- Each wheel had 26 paddles and was 31 ft in diameter.

4- The dragon boat team that paddles together, wins together.

5- paddles are generally only found on manual external units.

6- They ring bells, spin paddles and trip levers.

7- The paddles themselves were decent to use.

8- The puck and paddles rest on air.

9- The superiority of screw against paddles was taken up by navies.

10- Hyundai does not provide steering wheel paddles for this chore.

11- These paddles test our strengths, stamina and sometimes patience.

12- I features the white paddles on the black background.

13- If only I had three more sets of paddles !

14- Aluminium shift paddles allow manual gear selection.

15- Killer whale pectoral fins are large and rounded, resembling paddles .

16- It is engaged via steering-wheel paddles adapted from traditional performance cars .

17- The forepaws are broad and make excellent paddles while swimming.

18- The game ends when all the player’s paddles are depleted.

19- White paddles with green or blue flies also worked well.

20- The player may have up to nine paddles at once.

21- Our paddles and our poling poles are still strong.

22- Members receive E-mail invitations to scheduled paddles and frequent impromptu paddles.

23- Members receive E-mail invitations to scheduled paddles and frequent impromptu paddles .

24- The water strikes the paddles on the underside of the wheel.

25- A volunteer paddles over and asks if I’m ok.

26- It took three tries with the paddles to bring him back.

27- Having the gearshift paddles located at the steering wheel .

28- Mum do you reckon I should make two paddles ?

29- It paddles easily and tracked well and the fabric was water tight.

30- Leg buds form and hands form as flat paddles on the arms.

31- Identify paddles designed for whitewater use and explain their special characteristics.

32- paddles would be much appreciated next to the steering wheel spokes.

33- paddles offer a few advantages over self-adhesive pads.

34- With paddles , eight players could play “Super Breakout”.

35- The paddles are comfortable to grip and require light force to actuate.

36- Canoe paddles or boat hooks are not easily distinguished below the boat.

37- The shallow end of the philosophical pool is obviously where Tony paddles around.

38- Extremely stiff paddles are often associated with lower back pain and tendonitis.

39- An electronic display screen and shift paddles are built into the steering wheel.

40- The locks also require a handspike to open the paddles . The rowers are accompanied by a person who calls out a beat to time the strokes of their paddles.

41- U.S. swimmer Jenny Thompson from Dover, N.H. practices with paddles 24 July 1992.

42- These boats will be powered by sails, oars, paddles or some combination of the above.

43- There developed more refined pottery that included the Choris-style stamps, but also included check stamps applied using ivory paddles.

44- They are virtually identical to the external version, except that the charge is delivered through internal paddles in direct contact with the heart.

45- Examples Air hockey is a game based on an aerostatic bearing which suspends the puck and player’s paddles to provide low friction and thus fast motion.

46- This provided seven forward gears and one reverse gear, and was operated using two paddles located on the steering wheel.

47- Kneeboarding is a discipline of surfing where the rider paddles on his or her belly into a wave on a kneeboard, then rides the wave face typically on both knees.

48- Mixing mortar is normally done today with mortar mixers which usually use a rotating drum or rotating paddles to mix the mortar.

49- Many decoy carvers have also carved items to be used in decorating — such as plaques, vases, paddles, and carvings of other animals.

50- A lanyard to tie paddles to the boat is also important to ensure they don’t float away while you are down.

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