packings in a sentence

Use ‘packings’ in a sentence | ‘packings’ example sentences

1- For the massage hot packings which are called stamps are used.

2- Naturally the herb packings will be prepared for each customer freshly.

3- Unlike in particulate packings , monoliths are ideally suited for large molecules.

4- Differently shaped packings have different surface areas and void space between packings.

5- Differently shaped packings have different surface areas and void space between packings .

6- When the packings get cooler more pressure is applied and the massage begins.

7- Lactohil is available in 250 g and 100 g packings with dispensing spoons.

8- Suitable packings were obtained from stores.

9- Check wear on liners, pistons and valves, packings , and cylinder bore.

10- Unlike particulate packings , no shear forces or eddying effects are apparent in monolith columns.

11- Similar devices with a non-round cross-sections are called seals, packings or gaskets.

12- All the packings had been done by us, staying awake till even 3 at night.

13- In 2000, they acquired LC packings , whose competencies were in LC column packings.

14- In 2000, they acquired LC packings, whose competencies were in LC column packings .

15- New wooden packings were fitted to support the main air reservoir under the boiler before the driving axle was replaced.

16- Denser packings of BCD exist which avoid the storage penalty and also need no arithmetic operations for common conversions.

17- Arthur Crossley, Managing Director, Henry Crossley ( packings ) Ltd., Bolton.

18- Containers, palettes or packings temporarily imported into the UK under this simplified procedure must be re-exported within 12 months.

19- At the Bieberbach conference in 1985, William Thurston conjectured that circle packings could be used to approximate conformal mappings.

20- Dynamic binding capacities of monoliths for large molecules can be an order of ten times greater than that for particulate packings .

21- Gaskets are the mechanical seals, or packings , used to prevent the leakage of a gas or fluids from valves.

22- Since there are no suitable (Klinger AB18) sleeve packings for the gauge cocks in stores I was forced to buy some locally, about £13 each, and we needed eleven of them (five for each column and one for the whistle).

23- The smokebox cementing needs to be replaced by the mason, the smokebox door sealing rope replaced, and the pistons and piston valves need to be drawn from the cylinders and inspected for wear, and most likely have their packings replaced.

24- Hector had hoped to catch Lachlan before he attacked Arivegaig, but the packings at the base of his galley’s mast started to shift.

25- But that same basic idea, of most efficient packings , has led to some of the deepest problems in mathematics, when you extend it to different shapes, different dimensions, or different geometries.

26- It is to be expected that the particles of ordinary powders may have any arrangement intermediate between the two ideal packings of Figure 18-16, and most powders in practice have porosities between 30 and 50.

27- W.D.& H.O.Wills were the pioneers in advertising and promoting their product and towards the end of the 1880’s issued small tickets with wording on (which I hope to include soon), followed by illustrations of some packings and miniature copies of famous showcards.

28- I hate hard jaws and hardened packings , most of mine are just pieces of gauge plate cut and ground to size. if you make a mistake all you have is a dinged packing and not a blunt or broken tool.

29- The “Thurston Conjecture for Circle packings ” is his conjecture that the homeomorphism will converge to the Riemann mapping as the radii of the circles tend to zero.

30- Despite the success of Thurston’s conjecture, practical applications of this method have been hindered by the difficulty of computing circle packings and by its relatively slow convergence rate.

31- A further generalization, replacing intersection angle with inversive distance, allows the specification of packings in which some circles are required to be disjoint from each other rather than crossing or being tangent.

32- By applying the same argument to these other circles in turn, it follows that all circles in both packings have the same ratio.

33- But the sum of the angles of all of these triangles surrounding the center of the triangle must be 2Ï€ in both packings , so all neighboring vertices to “v” must have the same ratio as “v” itself.

34- Given two packings for the same graph “G”, one may apply reflections and Möbius transformations to make the outer circles in these two packings correspond to each other and have the same radii.

35- Given two packings for the same graph “G”, one may apply reflections and Möbius transformations to make the outer circles in these two packings correspond to each other and have the same radii.

36- Also, the new design allowed for easier repairs of the pump or the packings which were being “eaten away” by new materials and chemistry affecting the industry.

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