niche technology in a sentence

Use “niche technology” in a sentence | “niche technology” example sentences

1- They often specialize in niche technologies .

2- CSP will remain a niche technology ( e.g. sunbelt countries, mining industry, etc.).

3- In 2006 Former Intel senior vice president Pat Gelsinger stated that, “Today, optics is a niche technology .

4- In the following articles, you will learn more about how these critical niche technologies have evolved from small grassroots activities to thriving technology projects under the umbrella of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, and ultimately into key commercial components of industry.

5- Open source geospatial technologies have followed this same path from niche technology to mainstream component and are now critical to many of the applications that business and consumers use on a daily basis.

6- At the regime level, institutions such as the European Investment Bank are beginning to provide funding to facilitate the resources required to advance such niche technology .

Related Words:
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