make potion in a sentence

make potion in a sentence

1) Each cauldron can make potions at different speeds.

2) With this form comes the invisibility spell, which makes invisibility potions null.

3) An alchemist can purposely make a potion with a shorter duration than is maximally possible.

4) make sure all potions are (4), unlike in some of the pictures.

5) Jimboy makes a potion that would free their parent from being imprisoned from the black lake.

6) Savage Orc shamans are renowned for their extraordinary powers and their ability to make magic potions .

7) You can make potions , and protection charms, along with pumpkin carving demonstrations and face painting.

8) We’ll be working on doorways and making the outside visible potions look a bit more military.

9) She is known to have the knowledge of making potions from herbs and roots and other quack remedies.

10) For example , Sims can transform into Frankenstein-esque monsters by ingesting certain potions made from the chemistry set.

11) With this form comes the Haste spell, which temporarily increases Alleron’s speed and makes speed potions null.

12) Hands clutched and faces loomed, and suddenly Mildred remembered that the class would be making an invisibility potion .

13) Everything is really rooted – when Geralt makes potions , he kneels on the ground and takes his time.

14) With a clear interface it allows you to focus on making potions with what you have in your inventory.

15) In the next chapter, Mildred and Maud make an invisibility potion instead of a laughing potion in their class test.

16) Users can make nine different potions with ingredients that can be bought in Diagon Alley or found while exploring the chapters.

17) The only cure is to take a potion made with herbs such as gentian, tansy and wormwood to repulse the dragon.

18) However, it was so bloodthirsty that the head had to be kept in a potion made from puppies at all times.

19) This contains the recipes for making the potion of Toughness and the potion of Fortitude (see New Magic for details).

20) It is possible, though difficult, to make a potion last longer and hit harder than the alchemist is normally capable of.

21) Along the corridor… ” Made a potion … got his body back…” “The Dark Lord got his body back?

22) Use your Match 3 skills in a new way to search for enchanted scrolls, make useful potions , and defeat your mysterious enemies!

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