is scarce in a sentence

Use ‘is scarce’ in a sentence | ‘is scarce’ example sentences

1- When food is scarce these battles become more common.

2- This is a protection against periods when food is scarce .

3- It is under the false impression that food is scarce .

4- This becomes a problem when fuel is scarce .

5- It is generally only eaten when food is scarce .

6- Accommodation for married couples is scarce and expensive.

7- Positive energy is scarce in this world.

8- If water is scarce , sand may be used.

9- Soil formation is slow, and accumulated organic matter is scarce .

10- Labor is scarce , ideas are not scarce.

11- As usual, accessible, affordable housing is scarce .

12- The blunt 7 is scarcer and thus more valuable.

13- The whole point of gold is that it is scarce . Knowledge is scarceGood fruit is scarce in winter, and costs a lot.

14- Canada is the envy of the many countries where fresh water is scarce.

15- Food in the area is scarce, and the United Nations is pleading for aid.

16- In regions where rainfall is scarce, and food is difficult to grow, the people of Tanzania have turned to raising cattle.

17- Money is scarce, and the government is going to have to make some difficult decisions in order to bring the budget under control.

18- But in Liuzzo’s hometown of Detroit, such public recognition is scarce.

19- In the city, drinking water is scarce, but it is even harder to find food.

20- Here is where this account becomes a bit tricky, because concrete evidence is scarce.

21- There, by definition, land is scarce and higher demand translates into higher land rents.

22- Uses Documentation of traditional Camu camu uses is scarce.

23- Large eyes can better detect light (including bioluminescent light), which is scarce in deep water.

24- General settings The information concerning the biography of Manuela Beltran is scarce and fragmented.

25- Diwan There is scarce information about other court poets who flourished under the patronage of the Fatimid Caliph Imams.

26- Bardenas lacks urban areas, vegetation is scarce and the many streams that cross the territory have a markedly seasonal flow, staying dry most of the year.

27- Also in developing countries people sometimes follow a mainly vegetarian diet simply because meat is scarce or expensive compared to alternative food sources.

28- Chernozem is scarce and occurs only south of the Oka River.

29- The XM47E3 is filled with CS, but information on the other variants is scarce.

30- When graze is scarce, these goats do well on concentrated feed in the stable environments as well.

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scapularscapularsscarscarabscarabsscarceare scarceis scarcescarce supplymake myself scarcemake yourself scarcescarce resourceoften scarcescarcelyhad scarcely

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