intense scrutiny in a sentence

Use ‘intense scrutiny’ in a sentence | ‘intense scrutiny’ example sentences

1- This award was made following intense scrutiny and evaluation.

2- Every note on these albums holds up under intense scrutiny .

3- These photos have been subject to intense scrutiny and debate.

4- This intense scrutiny is called a ‘stare down’.

5- Appiah himself is now under intense scrutiny .

6- That intense scrutiny will now focus on his transition .

7- The topic of most intense scrutiny is women in Saudi Arabia.

8- All forms of regulation have come under intense scrutiny in recent years.

9- Allegations of faulty welds drew intense scrutiny from local and national observers.

10- His intense scrutiny took in the shadowy and empty lengths of the corridor.

11- But more intense scrutiny was about to blow the Shipman case wide open.

12- From that time on, Clarkson and her office faced intense scrutiny .

13- The 26 December revote was held under intense scrutiny of local and international observers.

14- Prototypes are subject to intense scrutiny and testing in our UL-approved lab.

15- The series began at a time when violence on television was under intense scrutiny .

16- Grant subsequently began dating Jemima Khan under the intense scrutiny of British tabloids.

17- Joyce’s work has been subject to intense scrutiny by scholars of all types.

18- The public cloud companies are under intense scrutiny – every major outage is noticed and publicized .

19- Its fluctuations are a matter of intense scrutiny in the “Syndicate Rules” storyline.

20- Altgens’ first photograph along Elm Street came under intense scrutiny almost immediately after publication.

21- Chile’s churches, universities, businesses, and neighborhoods were all under intense scrutiny .

22- Calipari suggested that Kentucky ‘s status as an elite program brings a more intense scrutiny .

23- According to these models, persuasion may occur after either intense scrutiny or extremely superficial thinking.

24- The family name was also able to shield him from intense scrutiny by the Gestapo .

25- Hypnosis, electronic brain implants, microwave transmissions, and parapsychology also received intense scrutiny .

26- What followed was 45 days of intense scrutiny of SJMG’s business operations by BDO.

27- A politician’s manhood is under intense scrutiny , in the midst of a misandric culture.

28- This bill came under intense scrutiny , and is considered to be unprecedented in Canadian labour history.

29- But, paradoxically, it is under more intense scrutiny and criticism than it has ever been.

30- Thus the date of the text, has been the subject of intense scrutiny by biblical scholars.

31- The impact of their operational activities on the environment of these communities has come under intense scrutiny .

32- Both are high visibility persons, subject to intense scrutiny , and above all, under heavy protection.

33- Without being aware of it she sighed, and became the subject of Niall’s intense scrutiny .

34- In Libby’s trial, Cooper’s notes became the subject of intense scrutiny by the defense.

35- Tyler – I live under a constant amount of intense scrutiny you can’t even begin to imagine.

36- Just when and how the behavioral traits originate in the womb is now the subject of intense scrutiny .

37- It’s been a tough and bruising campaign, with the backgrounds of both candidates coming under intense scrutiny .

38- At each meeting some member of the group would offer a discussion paper for intense scrutiny by the group.

39- Following the popularity of the book, the author’s account was subject to intense scrutiny and even derision. Dorsey and his companies are under intense scrutiny and pressure right now.

40- This would, however, also guarantee intense scrutiny of himself, his stories, and his logs by genuine Cape Horn veterans such as the sceptical Chichester.

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Related Words:
under scrutinyparliamentary scrutinybear scrutinyclose scrutinyrigorous scrutinystrict scrutinypublic scrutinyintense scrutinydetailed scrutinycritical scrutinystand up to scrutinyclose scrutinysubject of scrutinycome under scrutinyscuba

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