in turn in a sentence

Use ‘in turn’ in a sentence | ‘in turn’ example sentences

1- We address each claim in turn below.

2- Then three stimulus configurations were tried in turn .

3- These decision points are discussed in turn below.

4- These in turn slowed down many subsequent optimization paths.

5- This relationship is maintained between every magnet in turn .

6- Growth in turn has helped reduce poverty.

7- This in turn produces temporary pain relief.

8- This in turn makes cells more efficient energy producers.

9- These perspectives are covered in turn below.

10- That definition in turn has four conditions.

11- Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences.

12- These areas are described in turn below.

13- Each variable is changed slightly in turn .

14- The current flows through each resistor in turn .

15- This in turn means lower economic growth.

16- This in turn raised thousands more pounds.

17- I shall consider each point in turn .

18- Mary in turn had been under considerable stress.

19- These three criteria are discussed in turn below.

20- This in turn causes inappropriately elevated blood sugar levels.

21- in turn the nascent private launch industry collapsed.

22- The commissioner in turn appoints numerous deputy commissioners.

23- EM effects internally generated act in turn upon external environmental fields.

24- This book has in turn been criticized.

25- These cells in turn produce normal bone.

26- This in turn may increase fear unnecessarily .

27- in turn the black moths became more populous.

28- These reservoirs are in turn themselves internally differentiated.

29- But yet many refused in turn became refugees.

30- in turn , dangerous situations arose amid preliminary cleanup operations.

31- in turn , towing capacity dropped slightly.

32- in turn , protesters became increasingly militant.

33- Each trend in turn comprises various factions and subgroups.

34- This in turn draws more traffic to each others blogs.

35- That in turn stunts economic growth in developing countries.

36- This attachment in turn crowds out social relationships.

37- This in turns facilitates fair flow of investment.

38- This in turn leads to excessive free radical formation.

39- Did both of those quick taps result in turn overs?

40- I will briefly address each in turn . They each sang in turn.

41- Get on the bus in turn.

42- All the boys spoke in turn.

43- They made speeches in turn.

44- We cleaned the room in turn.

45- I’ll hear all of you in turn.

46- They sang on the stage in turn.

47- We introduced ourselves in turn.

48- All the boys spoke each in turn.

49- All the boys spoke, each in turn.

50- Each of us read the book in turn.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
new turntake a dramatic turnturn of eventsdownward turntake a different turnsharp turnIt’s my turnin turntake turnturn intoturn leftturn rightturn onturn upturn down

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