generous tip in a sentence

Use ‘generous tip’ in a sentence | ‘generous tip’ example sentences

1- She understood and gave a generous tip .

2- They hoped for a generous tip and few were disappointed.

3- Something along the lines of a generous tip .

4- Seems like a generous tip to me.

5- Remember to leave a generous tip for good service.

6- I left a generous tip for the New Year holidays.

7- generous tips meant Danella earned around £600 a week.

8- I left a very generous tip .

9- If you treat the customers particularly well , you might get a generous tip .

10- When the ride was done we paid the driver and gave him a generous tip .

11- They are the type of bartender you are very happy to leave a generous tip for.

12- I step out of the limo, paying the driver and giving him a moderately generous tip .

13- If you’re good, you move to evenings, it’s busier, more generous tips .

14- I ‘m always out the door for less than $30, and that’s including a generous tip .

15- But some Parisians get upset that Americans leave generous tips , rightfully fearing it will lead to future earnings expectations.

16- Hotel room service should not be tipped, but cleaning service should be left a generous tip when leaving if you can.

17- At the individual level Cubans working in bars and restaurants are enjoying the generous tips Americans are known for, while those who speak to the groups are getting “honorariums” as high as the equivalent of $250 – a bonanza in a country with an average monthly salary equal to $20.

18- Again he left the waiter a generous tip and set off, with his hat this time, down Via Roma and along Via Chiaia towards the sea.

19- She resented it when any of her “sisters” seemed to be experiencing an increase in visitors, or receiving exceptionally generous tips .

20- Roughly translated, they cover aspects of life that range from a generous tip for securing hard-to-find merchandise to the black-market realm of the Soviet Mafia.

21- When Boyce steps off the train, he hands to Simon a generous tip and one of his business cards, inviting him to inform him of his progress.

22- Spencer regrets giving an overly generous tip to the stripper at Neil’s bachelor party, and tries to get the woman to return it.

23- Ungar would race in to the restaurant, shovel the food down as fast as he could, throw cash for the entire meal plus a generous tip on the table and be ready to leave, even if the rest of his party had just barely started on drinks or appetizers.

24- The hated person is not the one who goes out to eat once a year, but gives a generous tip –it is the one who stiffs the waitress for the slightest insult, regardless of how often he goes out.

25- Some of these employees make very little, so they rely heavily on their tips and are willing to reward generous tipping with outstanding service.

26- With tax and a generous tip (I usually tip at least 20%; might as well support the servers) I spent around $18 on my sub-par fare.

27- A middle-aged man and his wife left a generous tip for Christina Summitt, a bartender and cook who was working a late shift at the Holiday Inn in Clinton, New Jersey.

28- Knowing , for example, that you should serve that imperfect sandwich to Fred before he gets too impatient, whereas it is worth taking longer to get Sharkeeta’s sandwich just right because of her generous tips – all while protecting them from the insane chef’s rampages.

29- Male clients usually pay $ 20 per ten-minute stint, but most give generous tips , especially if the girl can work in some fancy footwork.

30- My mom had just told me a story that even when he was young , when he just had an allowance and no job, is he saw that they didn’t leave what he considered a generous tip .

31- A generous tip ?’

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