fire-truck in a sentence 2

Use ‘fire truck’ in a sentence | ‘fire truck’ example sentences

51- Kids activities including face-painting, hula hooping, poi spinning, a real fire truck tour & more!

52- 2006 A fire truck on top of the Great Dome, September 11, 2006 ;November 2006: MIT Hackers put a huge Triforce on the Great Dome.

53- Local company Thibault Fire Engines, Inc., first established at the turn of the 20th century, was the first fire truck company to be established in Canada.

54- Gunrock on top of the UC Davis Aggie Pack fire truck.

55- $40 price * Sentinel Prime – 375 pieces, can be built as a robot or a fire truck.

56- His vehicle form is a fire truck, and he attacks with a handgun and an infrequently-used chest-mounted flamethrower, the “Chest Warmer.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
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