enemy troops in a sentence

Use ‘enemy troops’ in a sentence | ‘enemy troops’ example sentences

1- Thousands of enemy troops moving south made excellent targets.

2- Very few enemy troops were actually in sight.

3- This proved lethal against light targets and concentrations of enemy troops .

4- enemy troops were moving in all directions.

5- It was empty of both enemy troops and supplies.

6- Scant data are available concerning malaria in enemy troops .

7- To demoralize enemy troops , snipers can follow predictable patterns.

8- enemy troops may also flee once they have lost a battle.

9- It was called the “Blue Plane” by enemy troops .

10- The action is non-stop and the enemy troops are in full force.

11- This caused panic and the enemy troops started running in all directions.

12- That day she shelled enemy troops located by a spotter plane.

13- During darkness, AC-47 gunships provided illumination against enemy troops .

14- When he reached the hill, it was covered with enemy troops .

15- Not all of Forrest’s feats of individual combat involved enemy troops .

16- Write a code to find and attack enemy troops in the jungle.

17- If you survive 10 progressively harder waves of enemy troops you will win .

18- NSGr9 attacked enemy troops in the Monte Cassino area.

19- It was some enemy troops , and they demanded to be fed.

20- The foremost enemy troops at the level of south end of Porasjärvi.

21- Intelligence reports of large masses of fresh enemy troops crossing from France were received.

22- Maravan is captured by the enemy troops while abducting “Amma”.

23- He decided to face the enemy troops at the fortress of Chamkaur.

24- Elias takes Taylor, Crawford and Rhah to intercept flanking enemy troops .

25- On May 2, 1945, the enemy troops in northern Italy surrendered.

26- This allowed the MG 42 to tie up significantly larger numbers of enemy troops .

27- While approaching the town it was noticed that enemy troops were in the vicinity.

28- With enemy troops advancing, the Commune looked for potential traitors in Paris.

29- Early stealth observation aircraft used slow-turning propellers to avoid being heard by enemy troops below.

30- The enemy troops broke through the Partisan front line and penetrated into the area.

31- Tankers helped account for 250 enemy troops killed, 1100 captured, 100 vehicles destroyed.

32- The two lead jeeps moved into town and were firing on some enemy troops .

33- And, finally, the agent could cause casualties among enemy troops by inflicting burns.

34- Mackay positioned himself at the junction of two trenches, shooting down more enemy troops .

35- At midnight on the 23rd the enemy troops crossed back to Staten Island.

36- She returned to gunfire support on the 25th and bombarded enemy troops and vehicles.

37- In capturing the town bordering on the reservoir it cut off thousands of enemy troops .

38- Once you capture enemy troops in battle you have no right to hurt them.

39- Furthermore, they are hard to move and cannot defend themselves against enemy troops .

40- Khador specializes in freezing enemy troops , making them much easier to hit and destroy. The enemy troops closed in on the city.

41- People are scrambling to get out of the city as the enemy troops approach.

42- Refugees are desperately trying to escape before enemy troops arrive in the village.

43- During a two-day period, he eliminated 30 enemy troops, according to the Army.

44- This caused panic and the enemy troops started running in all directions.

45- Working carefully and calmly, he disarmed the force and arranged the unconditional surrender of approximately 5,000 enemy troops.

46- Meanwhile, Thierry’s attached dragoons discovered that Abenberg and its nearby roads were alive with moving columns of enemy troops.

47- Barber and his limited number of men killed over 1,000 enemy troops; only 82 of his men were able to walk away after eventually being relieved.

48- He has also rendered most valuable service in attacking enemy troops on the ground, silencing, on August 30, a hostile battery and causing the horses to stampede.

49- His code name is designed to cause enemy troops to underestimate him.

50- John of Biclaro notes that upon gaining control of Córdoba, Liuvigild “slaughtered the enemy troops and made the city his own.

More Sentences: 12
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