do-the-same in a sentence 2

Use ‘do the same’ in a sentence | ‘do the same’ example sentences

51- Walker says he’s encouraging other Republicans in the still sizable field to do the same.

52- If the union does let A-Rod take a pay cut, that could force other players to do the same.

53- The alliance, now known as the Green Tea Coalition, is fighting to do the same in Florida.

54- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker hinted he would do the same before he dropped out of the race.

55- Jake Whitman / NBC News Now the son is teaching his sister, who is 13, how to do the same.

56- 126434But I don’t necessarily think that means other people shouldn’t do the same as well.

57- As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

58- Hopefully, we can go to Phoenix and do the same kind of thing we’ve done the last two years.

59- She picks up the branch, starts pulling the white fluff apart and invites me to do the same.

60- 429067I’ve got to either do the same work or a little bit harder to try and improve myself.”””

61- A large taxi union has vowed not to obey cab regulations if Uber isn’t required to do the same.

62- “The guys just whip off their shirts and they put their little speed suits on, so I do the same.

63- “We won’t all do the same thing but there will be a recommendation of what makes sense,” he said.

64- Sometimes he only unsettle his own ministers, but at times he would do the same to his own people.

65- “For him to do that would encourage other people to do the same thing and have no respect for me.”

66- “I think anybody would have jumped in, hopefully, to do the same thing as we did,” said Crossland.

67- 316635I asked him to show me how, what he likes, and he said just do the same as I’ve always done.

68- The Agreed Framework served its purpose, and it is time to give the Iran Deal a shot to do the same.

69- Find out what life hacks successful people use to increase their wealth and how you can do the same.

70- The Democrats would do the same if the situation were reversed, as they have many times in the past.

71- Not long thereafter, in spite of the original experience, I managed to do the same to my left wrist.

72- What other travel agents can do the same?

73- The Spinners were hoping to do the same in Nashua, NH.

74- Josh had been sufficiently inspired to abandon Hoynes’s campaign and go work for Bartlet, which in turn convinced Sam to do the same.

75- Susan realizes that he’s going to do the same to her.

76- ” and in 2002, the entire chorus returned to do the same.

77- Malvika’s associate begs her to not to kill the killer, as he wants her to do the same.

78- Flack affirms that Gerrard would do the same for him (Flack) (episode 311, “Raising Shane”).

79- Tekudar zealously propagated his new faith and sternly required his ranking offices to do the same.

80- Denver would almost do the same in the next round, falling to the Utah Jazz in game seven of the second round.

81- Unión Cricket was the first club to adopt football into their sporting activities leading the other sports clubs to do the same.

82- Meanwhile, Kramer, Elaine and George wonder where Jerry is, so Elaine goes off on her own to find him; Kramer and George decide to do the same.

83- ” As an example, German Shorthair Pointers are often used to retrieve birds duck hunting whereas, calling upon a Pointer to do the same would be less common.

84- Fischer p.237 Wiederholdt soon realized that this was more than a raiding party; seeing other Hessians retreating from the outpost, he led his men to do the same.

85- And we should encourage other responsible nations to do the same.

86- In 1436 Amund Sigurdsson Bolt tried to do the same in Norway, but failed.

87- She had blood tests to put her mind at rest and pleaded with Vic to do the same.

88- Aira forwarded her proposal to Aubrey, while Ahron tried to do the same with Moi.

89- I order my troops to end hostilities as from now and I expect you to do the same.

90- Wolves will do the same thing, only in a sitting position, and whining like a puppy.

91- U.S. fighter-bombers mount rockets to attack barrels when in the antibarrel role, and C.S. Mules do the same.

92- The endings on the Latin words indicate their syntactical relationship, whereas English uses word order to do the same job.

93- William Squire was required to surrender himself and do the same, while Burroughs was committed to the Fleet Prison until he complied.

94- On 29 February, she sank or exploded four mines and attempted to do the same to two others.

95- Herr Flick and Helga stop his car right in front of the officers’ steamroller in order to do the same thing.

96- Three link Île Saint-Louis to the rest of Paris, 8 do the same for Île de la Cité and one links the 2 islands to each other.

97- Shran later returned to aid Archer and Earth by helping to destroy the real Xindi superweapon before it could do the same to Earth.

98- Perea continued to use his influence on the public airwaves to endorse the Liberal government and Serpa, and to urge his listeners to do the same.

99- The religious group had abolished slavery within the Society of Friends in 1776 and were petitioning the state and federal governments to do the same.

100- In her final gesture, she kisses Bond’s hands to clear him of guilt, an allusion to the earlier scene in which Bond had kissed hers to do the same for her.

More Sentences: 123
Related Words:
samesame as yourssame as mineone and the samesame as histhe same assame as usualdo the samesame to youSame heresame againSame forthe sameall the samemore of the same

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