critical-thinking in a sentence 2

Use ‘critical thinking’ in a sentence | ‘critical thinking’ example sentences

51- Area B: Institutional Options is made up of courses pertaining to global issues in science and technology, oral communication, and critical thinking.

52- Summary Think begins as a critique of the decline of critical thinking in America.

53- His book, Tools of critical thinking: Metathoughts for Psychology, Levy, D. A. (2003).

54- Arbes’s work is characterised by a sense of moral justice and rationalist, critical thinking.

55- News consumers must become Web literate and use critical thinking to evaluate the credibility of sources.

56- The Upper School curriculum distinguishes itself with an emphasis on critical thinking and independent analysis.

57- Finally, in eighth grade, students focus on critical thinking, mastering the five-paragraph essay and the development of a research paper.

More Sentences: 12
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I would thinkthinkableunthinkablethinkerthinkersthinkingthinking capcritical thinkinglateral thinkingquick thinkingright-thinkingwishful thinkingright-thinkingforward-thinkingthinking cap on

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