corruption-scandal in a sentence 2

Use ‘corruption scandal’ in a sentence | ‘corruption scandal’ example sentences

51- How FIFA makes its billions More from Sport – Football FIFA corruption scandal: What happens next?

52- View gallery The main players in the deepening FIFA corruption scandal (135 x 156 mm) (AFP Photo/S.

53- She also promised to investigate a major corruption scandal involving state-run oil company Petrobras.

54- He received a prison sentence in 1996 for a major corruption scandal.

55- In 1971 he was among players involved in corruption scandal (known in Germany as Bundesligaskandal ), which resulted in his suspension and after that he did not resume playing.

56- The league was marred by a corruption scandal, which saw nearly 18 players suspended.

57- Roblin’s administration was forced to resign in 1915 amid a serious corruption scandal.

58- By comparison, Los Angeles spent $40 million to settle litigation stemming from the Rampart corruption scandal.

59- He received much attention in the Philippines as a whistleblower related to the corruption scandal surrounding the ZTE broadband project.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
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