campaign-trail in a sentence 2

Use ‘campaign trail’ in a sentence | ‘campaign trail’ example sentences

51- While on the campaign trail for his second term, he said “It can be on the South Side.

52- British Columbia Premier Christy Clark always seems comfortable on the campaign trail.

53- So he can let it rip and that’s what people are seeing on the campaign trail,“ said D’Antonio.

54- ” She is also planning to talk more about her support for Obamacare on the campaign trail this week.

55- 913832Were Bill Clinton and John Edwards the family men they pretended to be on the campaign trail?

56- But first he has to win the political battle in Congress and on the 2016 presidential campaign trail.

57- Al on the campaign trail earlier this year How did the Pub Landlord standing for election come about?

58- Schreyer was frequently compared to his father on the campaign trail, and was considered a serious challenger for the riding.

59- See Hubert Bauch, “MNA Blais laid to rest: Popular Masson representative died on campaign trail,” Montreal Gazette, 28 November 1998, A10.

More Sentences: 12
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