bend the truth in a sentence

Use ‘bend the truth’ in a sentence | ‘bend the truth’ example sentences

1- The media has once again bent the truth .

2- Are airlines bending the truth about weather delays?

3- Until then , I will bend the truth .

4- They don’t just bend the truth , they simply reverse it.

5- But that ‘s no excuse to bend the truth where Barack Obama is concerned.

6- Okay , we’ve bent the truth a little to make that point sound more decisive.

7- The Plame case proves can bend the truth with the proficiency of the slickest of pols.

8- Honor will be protected and defended at all costs (to include sometimes bending the truth ).

9- Although she understood why he wanted her to bend the truth , it still went against the grain.

10- Yet another article that tries to bend the truth regarding ZQ’s nudes: those weren’t illegally obtained.

11- So , once again, a biased poll tries to bend the truth to get what the left wants.

12- When she lies to Alex about his share in Steve’s death she bends the truth to help him.

13- For the Newtown abbey four have admitted to bending the truth when psychic Uri Geller was Kelly’s TV guest recently.

14- Many people get into the habit of lying or bending the truth , and it’s a hard habit to break.

15- Despite their non-confrontational interviewing technique, a number of his claims were immediately shown to be bending the truth or outright lies.

16- It was an individual ‘s personality that seemed to determine whether they would lie or bend the truth in the virtual world.

17- Lynch’s attorney, Ivan Golde, accused the police of bending the truth and changing stories to try to convict Lynch.

18- It is fascinating to study the way that they bent the truth to promote a saleable product, yet even if the Trades Descriptions Act had been in force then, they would hardly ever have broken the law.

19- Much as Mandy’s well-intentioned little white lies annoyed her, Charity felt intensely loyal to her irrepressible cousin, and she wasn’t going to tell him that Mandy had an unfortunate trait of bending the truth into what ever pigeon holes suited her.

20- She’d told him she wanted a break from her own very successful career – that had been bending the truth more than a little, but taking over the club, putting her own life on hold for a little while, had seemed a small price to pay for her father’s health.

21- In its fact-check of the ad, the Post awarded Bloomberg’s super PAC, “Independence USA,” three well-deserved Pinocchios for bending the truth .

22- I think either Mort is bending the truth and no ‘proper’ DD was done (although I am sure that Freshfields would have recommended that it was done) or ‘proper’ DD was done and Ashley knew about the change of control.

23- And much like any other informational message, if you’re willing to bend the truth just a little bit, you can make it much more persuasive.

24- When writing the letter make sure to only use facts and information that are completely true, never stretch or bend the truth when asking for leniency.

25- People are emotional creatures, and as such they will always be tempted to bend the truth or tell a few white lies here and there.

26- He likes to take out his anger on Popura by messing with her or bending the truth , to which Popura naively believes.

27- Davis is excused for bending the truth ….because whom among the power driven egocentric CEO class wouldn’t take a shot at the very organization which has been a thorn in his North Jersey hide since the anchoring debate has bloomed.

28- The 2005 book Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff Stray reviews several theories, prophecies and predictions concerning 2012 and finds where authors have used faulty information or have bent the truth to fit their theories.

29- ” I’m suggesting they’re bending the truth ,” he says.

30- 3 Sources of Reliable Business Reviews Companies routinely bend the truth about themselves , online, offline and through other media.

31- ” You’ve been known to bend the truth when it suits you, but I must be sure this time.”

32- “Just because some atheists might be offended by reality doesn’t mean we need to bend the truth or teach fairy tales to children.”

33- ‘We expected Uri to bend a few spoons but we didn’t expect the viewers to bend the truth ,’ he said.

34- In the ODF article, Alex Brown [convenor of the OOXML BRM] bends the truth to make it seem like no one is supporting ODF, and that it is a flawed and incomplete standard.

35- (Note: Essentially, he was doing what many psychiatrists do, which is bend the truth , to get someone “hospitalized”; but, I don’t believe he was an ‘evil’ person; I think he viewed me a ‘needing’ so-called “observation and treatment.”)

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