band together in a sentence

Use ‘band together’ in a sentence | ‘band together’ example sentences

1- It was hard to keep bands together .

2- Small towns would band together to keep fires down.

3- The women band together and finish their tour.

4- The two bands together had about 90 men.

5- Taxi operators banded together to form local and national associations.

6- Corporations may also band together to form alliances.

7- Opposition groups began to band together against the emperor.

8- Local parents may also band together in support groups.

9- We’ve got a great band together .

10- The small weavers banded together to form self-help guilds.

11- Nations banded together to rid the world of fascism.

12- This experience convinced Johnson to put a band together once again.

13- After that he put the band together .

14- You’ve worked really hard to put your band together .

15- Are social media making it easier for plaintiffs to band together ?

16- Several block clubs may band together and hold a slumlord compliance.

17- More studios are banding together , watching the pre decided targets.

18- Maybe this is why motorcyclists tend to band together .

19- The group bands together , becoming a community through the work.

20- Find others who are also victims and band together for support.

21- Eventually groups band together in a coalition with two main directions.

22- Parents band together and they incorporate to accomplish this purpose.

23- This invasion forced all of the future heroes to band together .

24- They band together for the good of gardening.

25- With this inspirational result, band together was born.

26- This discontent led many people to band together and lead several revolts.

27- For festive occasions, people band together and prepare more sophisticated dishes.

28- Real-ale drinkers were forced to band together to protect their heritage.

29- Maybe you artists might consider banding together in a similar manner.

30- Influential men began to band together to deal with crime.

31- Moderates and fundamentalists banded together to oppose Soviet intervention.

32- Businesses across various industries have begun banding together to combat patent trolls.

33- Meanwhile Jack and Paul banded together to find her themselves.

34- It’s so important we band together to fight for change.

35- band together started its first year with 17 donated instruments.

36- But will these lone wolves find a way to band together ?

37- We asked you to organize and band together to prevent election irregularities.

38- He has credited him with keeping the band together in those years.

39- The outraged locals banded together and slaughtered the Portuguese under Simão.

40- Some of them are now musicians and in a band together . Facebook users could band together and report true stories that they disagree with as false.

41- The big break he needed came when John Nymann, guitarist for the band “Mile Hi”, gave him a call and asked if he would want to form a new band together.

42- We’d all be in the same band together and Steve wouldn’t have left.

43- The clans may band together to form a juffo, and the size increases.

44- A group of survivors must band together in order to survive the death and destruction of the once friendly locals.

45- Drew is later seen on the run from Xaviax and eventually meets up with Kit as he tries to convince him to band together.

46- The Un-named are the opposite; non-sentient large cats who live in no distinct group, but band together sometimes for attacks.

47- Johnny, Kenny, Derrick, Paula, and Johanna begin an alliance, while rookies band together to save themselves from the veterans.

48- Rowe 1996, p. 27. in most primate societies, males are dominant unless females band together to form coalitions that displace them.

49- The werewolves from the previous novel band together to infect citizens via intercourse and take over a small northern California town.

More Sentences: 12
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