back-then in a sentence 2

Use ‘back then’ in a sentence | ‘back then’ example sentences

51- 415169It sold for 50 cents back then, which is $4.45 in today’s dollars.

52- The Kurds back then eagerly followed the order to expel and kill, he says.

53- Pixel grid broadsheets like that one are how games were designed back then.

54- back then, use of the Internet was not a widespread in K-12 as it is today.

55- A lot of people disagreed with his idea back then too, but he did it anyway.

56- They have them in the East now, but that didn’t exist in the East back then.

57- Golden State star Rick Barry was shooting free throws underhanded back then!

58- back then, Trump praised Rodman’s trip, calling the basketball player “smart.”

59- I felt like such a dunce back then, but it was well worth the tarnished image.

60- back then people used to distil at home – it was cheaper than the other brands.

61- back then they were the World Series champs, on their way to defend that title.

62- “That’s how soccer was regarded back then and, to some extent, still is today.”

63- It was a world of black and white, and back then the two rarely met in harmony.

64- But back then for all anyone knew the market could have been headed even lower.

65- back then Lord Ashdown told the BBC that judgement was not Farron’s strong suit.

66- “My grandmother was employed by a German family back then – Otto Möller’s family.

67- But back then, in Moammar Gadhafi’s Libya, she was the victim, not the aggressor.

68- 433416“I wondered what had happened to her, but there was no Facebook back then.

69- Perhaps he knew back then that it was likely he would write the crucial decision.

70- back then, the technology was pretty rudimentary – more of a scientific experiment.

71- She told her hometown paper The Daily Chronicle, “back then we didn’t lock our doors.

72- back then, the PAP recorded its worst-ever showing, winning only 60 percent of the vote.

73- But that required huge amounts of data – and back then, computers were not that powerful.

74- The deaths that occurred back then have not yet been clearly defined in the history books.

75- Indeed, we were writing back then that Jeb was clinging to any kind of frontrunner status.

76- back then, many singers tried to imitate Crosby, as he was the paramount of all vocalists.

77- 929885When I see these people, I see myself back then,”” she said with tears in her eyes.”

78- 95620A watch was a very rare accessory in the countryside back then,”” she told Hankyoreh.”

79- “We’re always looking for a guy that can manage the offense, really,” Carroll said back then.

80- back then, it was so easy for the Nazis to smash the heavily fragmented trade union movement.

81- 330787If you allow (Fury) to say what he wants without coming back then you are soft to him.”

82- 97278back then, the communist authorities arrested hundreds of young East German concert-goers.

83- Remember back then we thought about al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan and a few other places?

84- back then, Europe’s interior ministers spoke of a horrific event — today it’s an “utter horror.’

85- He says having Quispamsis on board back then would have likely changed the outcome of the proposal.

86- However, I am certain that the vast majority of society is much further along than it was back then.

87- back then, he says, he wouldn’t even have dared to think the party could secure 36 percent of votes.

88- back then he lived outside the town’s center, in the countryside, with his cows, lambs and chickens.

89- The 2014 figure is the highest since a peak in 1992, though back then the EU had fewer member states.

90- 97279back then, the company reported a 17% jump in its daily active users to 936 million on average.

91- back then, commentators similarly hailed those actions as signs that Moscow was winning the Cold War.

92- “It was a very, very tough course for me back then, and it still is out there when your game’s not on.

93- 97277back then the Bills were known for finding gems in the later rounds, and Lodish was one of them.

94- back then, online marketing was usually an afterthought .

95- Part of the process back then was working with a literary agent .

96- A couple weeks later they came back then I started breaking out in what the dermatologist thought was an allergic rash to something.

97- She was an alumnus of Knob Haven High School, where she and Sue formed a musical duo, and she was obese back then.

98- Hejazi was effectively forced to retire from international football back then, in spite of being only 29 years old at the time of implementation.

99- “All Hail Carver, o’ let us live” was sung in 1983 in a National Racism Free Zone Project (NRFZP) conference, Carver was a all-black school back then.

100- The new “106 KMEL” (pronounced K-Mel back then) was successful in capturing marketshare, and its success eventually helped push main CHR rival KITS toward a modern rock format.

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