at-times in a sentence 4

Use ‘at times’ in a sentence | ‘at times’ example sentences

150- at times, when the weather is agreeable, dozens of people can reach the summit in a single day.

151- His lyrics are really playful, and, at times, you can feel his smile and warmth coming through.”

152- So at times she negotiates with informal vendors who make a point of always being first in line.

153- 268915He had a very hostile personality at times, he added, in a report by the New York Times.”

154- Dent stood by his account, but appeared somewhat confused at times during the cross-examination.

155- I’m sure it’s caused Eric awkwardness at times, which is why it’s so much fun to torture the guy.

156- at times the monster raised his body ten feet in the air, and it then presented a terrible sight.

157- He would spend $550 per hour, something he says was pretty painful to cut the check for at times.

158- It has been building for some time now, though I’ll admit I might have lost sight of it at times.

159- Sometimes he only unsettle his own ministers, but at times he would do the same to his own people.

160- What has happened this year in Nigeria, Kenya and elsewhere is also tragic, and at times deadlier.

161- When the film came out last year, Hawking said of the performance: “at times I thought it was me.”

162- at times, lines of police officers confronted them, forcing the demonstrators down certain streets.

163- That passion for food and for cooking can mean “it’s a total war in the kitchen” at times, he said.

164- Copy this code to your website or blog Carson at times seemed unsure of his own positions on issues.

More Sentences: 1234
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