at the scene of in a sentence

Use ‘at the scene of’ in a sentence | ‘at the scene of’ example sentences

1- It seems that he has been at the scene of the crime.

2- We waited at the scene of the accident till the police came.

3- Even police were shocked by what they saw when they arrived at the scene of the accident.

4- The driver of the car was unconscious when the police arrived at the scene of the accident.

5- A knife was found at the scene of the murder, and has become the most important evidence the police have to link the killing to the suspect.

6- The suspect’s wife alleges that he was with her at home the night of the killing, but a number of witnesses have placed him at the scene of the murder.

7- Talmadge says that the boy’s mother was at the scene of the collision.

8- NTSB members at the scene of the Metro-North accident in Valhalla, New York.

9- Emergency services at the scene of the crash in Simone Weil Avenue in Ashford.

10- People place flowers at the scene of a fatal shooting in Gothenburg, March 19, 2015.

11- Saskatoon police and fire crews at the scene of a crash downtown that left one man dead.

12- 8 photos: Dozens die in Mecca crane collapse Crowds gather at the scene of the collapse.

13- Emergency crews work at the scene of a crash that send 4 people to hospital Friday night.

14- Civilians and security forces gather at the scene of bomb attack in Jameela market Thursday.

15- They used GPS records from his patrol car to place him at the scene of the alleged incidents.

16- The driver remained at the scene of the accident to assist authorities in their investigation.

17- 766220The photo was taken by Boston Marathon runner David Green at the scene of the bombings.

18- 7 of 8 8 photos: Dozens die in Mecca crane collapse Crowds gather at the scene of the collapse.

19- Soldiers are seen at the scene of a suicide bombing at a bus station in Kano, February 24, 2015.

20- J.” Talley, 36, died Jan. 10, 2015, at the scene of an automobile accident south of Poplar Bluff.

21- Little information has been released about what investigators found at the scene of the fatalities.

22- Syrian rescue workers look for survivors from under the rubble at the scene of a reported barrel bom …

23- Police said the woman showed several signs of impairment at the scene of the crashes and was arrested.

24- Shell casings were not found at the scene of the crime suggesting perhaps the killer retrieved them.

25- The police arrives at the scene of the occupation.

26- Tucson shooting Main article: 2011 Tucson shooting Roadside sign at the scene of the shooting.

27- Max gave up James, who became a criminal-his fingerprint was found at the scene of Jordan’s mother’s death.

28- On 11 March 1802, highwayman Robert Snooks was hanged at the scene of his crime on Boxmoor for the robbery of a postboy.

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