as-though in a sentence 2

Use ‘as though’ in a sentence | ‘as though’ example sentences

51- It’s not as though the world is going to end if she leaves.

52- Following urination I feel as though I still have to go more.

53- He always talks as though he were addressing a public meeting.

54- She looked as though she had seen me somewhere before.

55- kebukebuIt looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year.

56- I worked hard in the garden today, but it doesn’t look as though I made any progress at all.

57- Despite their own scandals, the police continue to make arrests as though nothing had happened at all.

58- He always talks as though he knows how to handle himself but you never know how he’ll act when the chips are down.

59- Lately you see more young couples making out at the train station ticket gates acting as though nobody in the world existed.

60- Leonard Cohen once wrote that a woman watches her body uneasily, as though it were an unreliable ally in the battle for love.

61- Goethe once said, “Treat people as though they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being.

62- “Betty Smith once said, “Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time.

63- Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.

64- “Albert Einstein once remarked, “There are only two ways to live your life.

65- One is as though nothing is a miracle.

66- The other is as though everything is a miracle.

67- “Charles Kingsley once observed that we act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

68- It looked as though New England would take a 14-7 lead into halftime.

69- It was as though I could watch myself as if I was a different person.

70- It did look to me as though if you fell in it would be the end of you.

71- And when he sings, he makes it sound as though it all happened to him.”

72- Another Pakistani woman nodded as though this was a familiar accusation.”

73- Now, it appears as though the same will be true in the smartwatch market.

75- At high noon on Pluto, it looks as though it would be dawn or dusk on Earth.

76- “I never have artist’s block,” he said, as though the thought surprised him.

77- 389449It feels as though my body was trapped and it’s waiting to be released.

78- Does she ever feel as though she’s put her own career on hold for her husband’s?

79- I feel as though I’ve been the full length and width of the country, joked Young.

80- About once a week now, she felt her body quake, as though feverish, in the night.

81- But it looks as though, 12 years on, the breath-taking station could finally open.

82- The BBC’s James Reynolds said it is as though they were “overcome by diesel fumes”.

83- 91470At the time, it looked as though the FBI were only reacting to Roberts’ Tweet.

84- It was as though I needed to shrink the immediate world to fit the size I could occupy.

85- This is why I can no longer act as though my taste for Hip-Hop is still alive and well.

86- But he’s been viewed by his eurozone peers as though he farted in the negotiating room.

87- I really do feel as though the VA failed him, and ultimately I feel it’s kind of on them.

88- After hundreds of photos, Stirton said he now feels as though he is “one with the water.”

89- 407306It’s as though 10 years from now Calgary had a population of more than 10 million.”

90- And the human eyeball would be jet black as though coloured in by a Sharpie,” says Geller.

91- It does seem as though the nature of this presidential campaign is unabashedly pessimistic.

92- Liverpool look as though they are in prime position to snap him up at the end of the season.

93- This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture.

94- Plus, it is not as though the end of ISIS necessarily will signal an end to Iraq’s probleMs. It was as though anger just filled her up and there wasn’t any room for a personality anymore.

95- It looks as though the city employees may have missed their day’s quarry by just a few meters.

96- 372126In the dreamlike photograph, the Badjao extends his hand upward as though he were dancing.

97- It’s not as though the stories McKinnon is telling are losing their flavor — quite the opposite.

98- Remini explained that although Tom Cruise had more fame, she felt as though she was on a high level.

99- To an extent, Angelakos says he feels as though he succeeded with his goal to create a cleaner sound.

100- The points were shared, but both Wolfsburg and De Bruyne looked as though their minds were elsewhere.

More Sentences: 123
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