a-long-time in a sentence 3

Use ‘a long time’ in a sentence | ‘a long time’ example sentences

101- NB Drawn a long time ago so the quality is poor.

102- I haven’t got in touch with him for a long time.

103- I don’t like to be kept waiting for a long time.

104- She looks as if she had been ill for a long time.

105- She is not accustomed to driving for a long time.

106- I have had to be in the hospital for a long time.

107- It took me a long time to recover from pneumonia.

108- We have wanted to visit the city for a long time.

109- I can’t walk fast, but I can walk for a long time.

110- She looked as if she had been sick for a long time.

111- I was kept waiting for a long time at the hospital.

112- It took a long time to take in what she was saying.

113- I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.

114- He was poor for a long time, but he is well off now.

115- She has suffered from bad headaches for a long time.

116- It takes us a long time to master a foreign language.

117- It will be a long time before he has fully recovered.

118- It is sad that he has been sick for such a long time.

119- She lay awake for a long time, thinking of her future.

120- It’ll take me a long time to finish reading that book.

121- It took him a long time to take in what she was saying.

122- I had a call from her for the first time in a long time.

123- She has a bad habit of talking a long time on the phone.

124- I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.

125- We have been on bad terms with each other for a long time.

126- It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time.

127- a long time ago, there lived an old king on a small island.

128- Not having been to Tokyo for a long time, I often got lost.

129- He sat for a long time, listening to the sound of the wind.

130- I talked a long time, and I managed to make her believe me.

131- It took a long time for me to convince him that I was right.

132- In the Hanshin earthquake, the ground shook for a long time.

133- I guess it will be a long time before I can return to Japan.

134- I have struggled under extreme difficulties for a long time.

135- It took a long time to bring him around to our point of view.

136- It’ll be a long time before she gets over her father’s death.

137- I visited the town for the first time in a long time.

138- ShiawaseThank you very much for patronizing our store for a long time.

139- He has a reputation for taking a long time to make a decision.

140- It has taken me a long time to adjust to life in North America.

141- I have a few friends to talk for a long time on the phone with.

142- He has a reputation for taking a long time to make up his mind.

143- It took a long time, but in the end I was able to convince him.

144- She came into the garden and looked at the trees for a long time.

145- I have just remembered his name, which I couldn’t for a long time.

146- Apart from the cost, it will take a long time to build the bridge.

147- After being ill for a long time, Jane turned into a couch potato.

148- CPIt took a long time to break down her reserve and get her to relax.

149- I can answer for his honesty, since I have known him for a long time.

More Sentences: 1234
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