Was there in a sentence

Use ‘Was there’ in a sentence | ‘Was there’ example sentences

1- The murderer thought nobody else Was there .

2- He Was there altogether for four years.

3- The thing Was there was no demand.

4- Never Was there a more signal rout.

5- The truck Was there and gear was already being unloaded.

6- Never Was there a more useful body.

7- The foul play Was there but very subtle.

8- The following night the man Was there yet again.

9- That the ability Was there is beyond question.

10- I never knew it Was there anyway.

11- Was was Was there an upper floor.

12- There Was there was no side effects.

13- Was there anybody better at expressing themselves through power chords?

14- Never Was there a more solemn mockery.

15- He Was there for nearly four weeks.

16- He Was there through the 1989 season.

17- The legal basis for intervention Was there .

18- Was there sufficient proximity between the parties?

19- She almost died twice while she Was there .

20- A stool Was there of ivory wrought.

21- If grandma Was there she was fine.

22- No longer Was there any “reasonable persuasion”.

23- A stone building Was there already in 1250.

24- The third point Was there must be reserves.

25- Never Was there a more fatal mistake.

26- Nor Was there protection against writing to disk.

27- And a certain woman whose brother had died Was there .

28- Because Was there Was there much violence?

29- Because Was there Was there much violence?

30- The foreman said the owner Was there .

31- Franklin Was there awarded a research fellowship.

32- The flame Was there between us before .

33- Her daughter Was there holding her arm.

34- Because nobody else and nothing better Was there .

35- I bet the whole school Was there .

36- There was always effort but Was there clear thinking?

37- Police are interviewing everyone who Was there .

38- And there Was there was something weird.

39- The granite that historical studies claim Was there is history .

40- Nowhere Was there full franchise for everyone . I’m glad I Was there.

41- In fact, I Was there.

42- She Was there all morning.

43- Was there anyone in the room?

44- I assumed that she Was there.

45- She Was there in the morning.

46- That she Was there is certain.

47- I studied English when I Was there.

48- When she awoke, the family Was there.

49- It Was there that I saw the accident.

50- He asked me whether anybody Was there.

More Sentences: 1234
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there is not muchthere existsthere remainsThere isThere areIs thereAre thereWas thereWere thereup thereall therein therethere is no wayneither here nor therethereabout

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