postal service in a sentence

Use “postal service” in a sentence | “postal service” example sentences

1- Is there postal service on Sunday?

2- Britain still boasts the cheapest postal service.

3- Discovered a little loophole In the Stalag Luft postal service.

4- The Crown relied on the postal service for such notices.

5- The postal service in this country is very inefficient.

6- The postal services are not always a government monopoly.

7- They started a postal service and operated many other businesses.

8- Wartime postal service is simply abominable.

9- Meggie would enrich the postal service with letters every day, at least to Dane.

10- Direct exchange of postal service is accessible between Guiyang and 145 countries.

11- Shenzhen investigates rigorously the fees trick of telecommunication postal service.

12- Is there postal service on Sunday?

13- JimWe ship worldwide using US postal service First Class Mail.

14- The postal service has made a large investment in new technology.

15- The postal service is also unresponsive.

16- The Crown relied on the postal service for such notices.

17- The postal service in this country is very inefficient.

18- They started a postal service and operated many other businesses.

19- Wartime postal service is simply abominable.

20- Britain still boasts the cheapest postal service.

21- Discovered a little loophole In the Stalag Luft postal service.

22- Meggie would enrich the postal service with letters every day, at least to Dane.

23- Direct exchange of postal service is accessible between Guiyang and 145 countries.

24- These come to you well packed via US postal service first class mail WELL WRAPPED!

25- The U. S. postal service has finally won the right to ridicule its competitors.

26- The United States postal service has over five hundred sixty thousand employees.

27- The postal service makes no systematic effort to screen mail for potential bombs.

28- The postal service has made an extremely large investment in automated technology.

29- The United States postal service handles over forty percent of the worlds mail volume.

30- The United States postal service begins to seeserviceable

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