consumer power in a sentence

consumer power in a sentence

1) Even this government recognizes the strength of consumer power .

2) They will all have enormous consumer power .

3) They are also using their consumer power in new ways.

4) In other words, the working class characteristics of low economic resources and consumer power no longer applied.

5) The past decade has shown that harnessing consumer power to effect positive environmental change is far easier said than done.

6) Do you think that when people are buying the insurance that they have much of an idea about their consumer power ?

7) He saw the Loblaws’ link as a chance to use ‘ consumer power ‘ to make quick progress on environmental issues.

8) A symbol of consumers’ power – but in a country with empty shelves in the supermarkets, all the necesarry things could be bought on the street only.

9) The growing consumer power of older people and the fact that already one in four voters is retired may help to bring this about.

10) This saw growth in consumer power and spending, which drew many people away from traditional spectator past times, such as sport and the cinema.

11) Then he went on to the Global the New Consumer, looking at ways and how consumer power could be used for ethical purposes.

12) The following news summary is from Greg Scandlen’s consumer power Report #231:

13) Black consumer power still matters

14) consumer power and consumer choice

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