Use “possessive” in a sentence | “possessive” example sentences
1- The relative pronoun ‘that’ has two states, a nominative case and objective case, but there is no possessive case.
2- ‘My’is a possessive adjective.
3- She; Why are you so possessive?
4- ‘Anne’s’, ‘the boy’s’, ‘the boys” are possessive forms.
5- ‘Hers’ is the possessive form of ‘her’.
6- ‘Mine’ and ‘yours’ are possessive pronouns.
7- Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me.
8- He has a strong possessive instinct.
9- He used to ring his possessive mother several times a day.
10- He’s pretty possessive about his car.
11- He’s so possessive about his new car.
12- Her boyfriend was getting too possessive so she finished with him.
13- I broke up with Lyle because he was as possessive as a two-year-old.
14- It is often used with a possessive adjective.
15- Jimmy’s very possessive about his toys.
16- My son is very possessive about his mother.
17- Nick’s starting to get possessive and jealous.
18- People were very possessive about their coupons.
19- She had always been possessive of her brother.
20- She told him not to be so possessive about her and her body.
21- She was terribly possessive of our eldest son.
22- She’s very possessive about her toys and finds it hard to share.
23- Some parents are too possessive of their children.
24- The child was very possessive with his toys.
25- They were possessive about their servants.
26- Was she actually feeling possessive about her companion?
27- Why should he feel so possessive about some old photos?
28- Got too possessive, kept wanting to play house.
29- He could also be very possessive, especially towards women.
30- He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.
31- Whereas if it shows up as a possessive, it might not.
32- Horses can be very jealous, and very possessive.
33- Women also hate men who are possessive.
34- A phrase search on possessive s returns only an exact match, as shown in Listing 11.
35- possessive adjectives are used to modify nouns that follow the possessive adjectives.
36- The Communist economy is a non – possessive economy and therefore it is non – benefit.
37- There are three sets of possessive pronouns.
38- The genitive case is used for possessive constructions.
39- The first type of love is possessive love.
40- A possessive attitude does more harm than swallowing some pride.
41- There are no separate possessive pronouns such as “mine”.
42- He is extremely possessive of his habitat.
43- Personal pronouns are also often associated with possessive forms.
44- He soon becomes violently possessive as well.
45- Got too possessive , kept wanting to play house.
46- He was fiercely loving towards me, almost possessive .
47- English valedictions typically contain the possessive pronoun “yours”.
48- Other forms of possession are indicated through possessive classifiers.
49- The reason is that possessive adjectives are system morphemes.
50- The apostrophe is needed here to show plural possessive .
51- Was she actually feeling possessive about her companion?
52- Are you a jealous or possessive person?
53- One was bold and energetic, yet another possessive and loyal.
54- They may be jealous and possessive in relationships.
55- In addition, the owner can become possessive .
56- The possessive suffix follows this and the case suffix is last.
57- Gloria is possessive and quickly becomes obsessed with Jeremy.
58- Russian has a reflexive possessive as well.
59- A possessive type, filled with jealousy and demanding utmost loyalty.
60- Every grammatical person in Mari has its own possessive suffix.
61- This is like an ordinary possessive use.
62- Both adjectives and possessive pronouns precede the nouns they modify.
63- If the common noun name is preceded by a possessive pronoun.
64- Years are usually not possessive ; they are plural.
65- Nevertheless, Pat is quite jealous and possessive .
66- She becomes alarmed by Charlie’s possessive behaviour.
67- The possessive determiners declined like strong adjectives.
68- His mouth touched hers, tenderly possessive .
69- Also, such adjective+noun constructions often include a possessive pronoun.
70- No apostrophe is used in the possessive third person neuter.
71- There is also a reflexive possessive “swój”.
72- He could also be very possessive , especially towards women.
73- And Sunshine has become increasingly possessive and not letting her leave.
74- Horses can be very jealous, and very possessive .
75- I think she’s kind of possessive .
76- For these, the suffix is a personal possessive pronoun.
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