pledged in a sentence 3

Use ‘pledged’ in a sentence | ‘pledged’ example sentences

99- In 1469, the Norwegian King pledged Orkney and Shetland to the crown of Scotland as mortgage for a dowry debt.

100- Sahara pledged to the people in her constituency that she would reconstruct the roads and improve the drainage system in the area.

101- Boyce pledged $1000 a month for a year to support the program- but reports indicate only three or four payments were actually made.

102- Adidas was among the large brands whom pledged to only purchase footballs from manufacturers who were in good standing with the agreement.

103- The Philippines has pledged increased commerce and trade with East Timor and has also sought to cultivate cultural and educational exchanges.

104- Yunnan Communist Party Secretary Bai Enpei (白恩培) and Yunnan Governor Qin Guangrong (秦光荣) have pledged to take “decisive action” to remedy the situation.

105- This policy allows to eliminate the deficit in the surface water volumes pledged to the irrigation district and reduce extractions from the Valle del Mayo aquifer.

106- In 1462, “Johann Herr zu Winnenburg und Beilstein” (“John, Lord at Winnenburg and Beilstein”) pledged the village of Gillenbeuren to Count Wilhelm von Blankenheim.

107- Only a handful of UDF politicians followed Bayrou; the majority opposed him and set up a rival party the New Centre party which pledged to support the alliance with the UMP.

108- CAAT has pledged to monitor UKTI to make sure that military exports, (less than 2% of total UK exports in 2004), do not monopolise a disproportionate amount of its resources.

109- The Licensed Victuallers’ Association pledged to support Gooch.

110- The paper was pledged to “impartiality, firmness and independence”.

111- The Farahis pledged it would be the first of many expansions to come.

112- The ASA has pledged to pursue high standards within the practice of Medical Sonography.

113- Civic leaders in Cleveland pledged $65 million in public money to fund the construction.

114- He had pledged during his campaign last year to prohibit an immediate legislative pay raise.

115- John I had pledged Mikołów and the Duchy of Pless to Władysław II; John II redeemed these possessions.

116- In 1853, William S. Denison, a Muskingum County farmer, pledged $10,000 toward the college’s endowment.

117- Indeed, no European country pledged to send a team until two months before the start of the competition.

118- Bob pledged Delta Upsilon in 1925 while at Stanford and played the violin in the San Francisco Symphony.

119- Ira Allen pledged 4000 British pounds sterling to the University of Vermont, but never donated that money.

120- A cavalry wing that had secretly pledged to rebel against Roderic stood aside, giving the enemy an opening.

121- Ong and Chua both refused to resign, and pledged to set aside their differences under the “greater unity plan.

122- He pledged $50 million for a monorail project near the original Charlotte Speedway (the site of NASCAR’s first race).

123- In 1982, Canada Post rolled out the initiative across Canada and pledged that every letter sent in would be replied to.

124- In place of appearing, the band pledged to donate proceeds from their concerts played in Tokyo, Sydney, London and New York.

125- We are also certain that Germany, as a nation, resigns herself to keep her pledged word only under the impact of necessity”.

126- Birge, pg. 142 1891 *The Chicago Symphony Orchestra forms, with income from backers who pledged $1000 for each of three years.

127- They pledged most of their assets, including their stake in Placid Oil, as collateral for the rescue loan package they obtained.

128- The friars at the monastery pledged to hide the dragon away, with Friar Peter ( John Woodnutt ) protecting him and teaching him.

129- Womack pledged to get tough on illegal immigrants saying “If you’re coming to America illegally, you don’t want to come to Rogers.

130- The European Union (EU) has given about $800 million since 1991 and pledged $175 million in 1996-99.

131- Finally, Carrouges approached his wife and pledged his honour before her, kissing her and promising to return.

132- Kerakhistani militia groups pledge their support to the Middle Eastern Alliance, vowing to fight alongside those pledged to aid them.

133- “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin pledged that if the gator ever re-emerged, he and his crew would go to the lake and attempt a capture.

134- All sides pledged an immediate ceasefire in May 2009, while pursuing talks for a permanent peace and an amnesty for all former rebels.

135- However pledged to his subscription Mutty Lall Seal carried out the promise of a national institution with his own independent efforts.

136- These councils then cut their links to the British, and pledged loyalty to the Sinn Féin Department of Local Government, under Cosgrave.

137- The NGO Gaddafi Foundation pledged to donate £1.5 million over five years to a research centre, LSE Global Governance, of which £300k were paid.

138- Osman pledged that the company would continue to operate at the same level regardless of who it was owned by, which seemed difficult at the time.

139- The risk premium attempts to measure the integrity of the borrower, the risk of his enterprise succeeding and the security of any collateral pledged.

140- ” He has pledged to support state governments in their efforts to improve standardized test provisions by upgrading the standards they are set to measure.

141- Torres Chabert, as owner of the Rosarito Beach Hotel, was deeply concerned about the safety of tourists, and pledged strong action to deal with both issues.

142- Holding a media conference on the steps of the Kansas Museum of Natural History the next day, they pledged to combat the anti-science activities of the board.

143- A few months ago I pledged that I would be learning Esperanto this year.

144- And they trained together until they found the secrets of chemistry, which they then pledged to use only for justice!

145- A number of member states, including the UK, France, and Italy have all pledged to phase out unabated coal power over the coming decade.

146- A repossession is a creditor taking possession of property pledged as collateral on a loan contract on which a borrower has fallen significantly behind in payments.

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