plantations in a sentence

Use ‘plantations’ in a sentence | ‘plantations’ example sentences

1- A four-year apprenticeship programme followed the abolishment of slavery on the plantations.

2- Many migratory birds and resident birds find sanctuary in the forest of traditional coffee plantations.

3- The first African slaves arrived in the U.S. in 1619, and were imported to work on tobacco plantations.

4- The road east out of Mersin passes through fields and orange plantations.

5- Enslaved Africans were the main source of labour on the coffee plantations.

6- That’s an African idea that developed on plantations as a means of survival.

7- In Bukidnon province, Del Monte operates one of the world’s largest pineapple plantations.

8- Antebellum plantations elided over the stories of enslaved people who worked the land there.

9- Pineapple and rubber plantations are the common agrarian efforts.

10- plantations and other agricultural development dependent on slave labor were prevalent in the region.

11- Agritourism in “estancias” (plantations) has become increasingly popular for foreigners visiting the province in recent years.

12- Many of these communities are located near giant chile and tomatillo plantations where agrochemical use is rampant.

13- This allows progress in biocomplex agroecosystems including the multi-species plantations of forestry and agroforestry .

14- Then, obviously we will not tax agro-industrial enterprises — sugar plantations, citrus plantations, and in some cases, horticultural plantations as well, then the forestry areas.

15- Biloxi had many plantations in the pre- Civil War era.

16- On well kept plantations, this is prevented by pruning the tree.

17- They also enslaved the native populations to work on plantations.

18- Some species can concentrate the salt and prepare future plantations.

19- The Black-naped Oriole is found in forests, gardens and plantations.

20- Tongans from Lifuka sometimes ride horses across this reef to visit their plantations on Uoleva.

21- These slave insurrections changed the balance of power on plantations, giving more to the slaves.

22- As a consequence, about acres (0 km 2 ) of crop from adjacent plantations sustained flood damage.

23- The Kannambra-I is village which has vast stretches of paddy fields and coconut plantations near to it.

24- Roads are broad and tree plantations all through both sides of the road made people to spell it as Andhra Mysore.

25- The groups of people that were contracted to work on the plantations were the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos and Puerto Ricans.

26- The I iwi were also removed when the islands forests were cut down and were replaced with farms, plantations, towns, and alien forests.

27- This rural town on the east coast of Costa Rica is home to many fruit plantations, such as banana plantations and pineapple plantations.

28- Queen Josefina had a great interest in gardening and made it possible for the development to take place by establishing a number of plantations and greenhouses.

29- Over a 2 year period in shortleaf and loblolly pine plantations of central Arkansas, 6 of 34 adults returned to areas where they had a territory in a previous year.

30- The preindependence production of 8,959 tons in 1967 fell to 500 tons in 1978; the decline was mainly caused by forcible transfer of coffee farmers to the Bioko cocoa plantations.

31- The village is surrounded by plantations of rubber and palm oil trees.

32- He led Maroons to raid plantations at night, torch property, and kill the owners.

33- He resigned his place as a commissioner of Trade and the plantations, in April 1756.

34- Green areas and plantations of Krasnograd occupy 504 hectares, together with the river.

35- This, as well as overwork on plantations, dramatically decreased the indigenous population.

36- Papaya plantations, shrimp farms and rice crops were also affected by the unsettled weather.

37- In “A Discourse Concerning the Currencies of the British plantations in America, &c. by William Douglas.

38- The line had been built to serve the tea plantations of Assam and had a peacetime capacity of 600 tonnes a day.

39- These vines may never have reached maturity as there is no evidence that these plantations ever produced rubber.

40- The dam also deprived farmers of the critical annual floods, which would otherwise re-fertilise the plantations.

41- The remaining 20% of farmers are either cardamom planters with 2 – 20 hecters of land or farmers who take plantations on lease.

42- Major examples are the oil palm plantations in Indonesia and the dry rice farming techniques using slash and burn -method in Southeast Asia.

43- Rubber and palm oil plantations were started in the 1960s and 1970s, while a factory for producing clothing was built in 1979 in Bentol City.

44- Wire fences are typically run on wooden posts, either from trees commercially grown in plantations or (particularly in the American West) cut from public lands.

45- Virginia’s curriculum requires that the African-Americans ‘ role in the Civil War be covered, including their work on plantations and on the sidelines of battles.

46- Young girls typically follow their mothers, grandmothers and older sisters on the plantations, and the women are also expected to perform most of the domestic duties.

47- Ooi (2004), p. 710 The Kangchu system traces its origins from the 18th century when Chinese coolies settled in Penang and Riau and set up gambier and pepper plantations there.

48- Tea was cultivated only in large plantations.

49- Council of Trades and plantations to Robert Quary.

50- Kyauktaw has many sugar mills and sugarcane plantations.

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