Use ‘peaceful’ in a sentence | ‘peaceful’ example sentences
1- There are few peaceful uses for plutonium.
2- I am very happy and feeling peaceful .
3- The overall effect is gentle and peaceful .
4- The area has many pretty peaceful beaches and spectacular coastal paths.
5- I have met very few peaceful atheists.
6- Peace enforcement thus means using force when peaceful means fail.
7- The valley was very peaceful and quiet.
8- The music played is relaxing and peaceful .
9- The site itself is immaculate and peaceful .
10- It was very peaceful and very relaxing.
11- The weekend of protest was very peaceful .
12- The plane journey was fairly peaceful and comfortable.
13- He hoped a peaceful solution was still possible.
14- Highly recommend peaceful surroundings and friendly staff.
15- Mainly peaceful protests continued for several weeks.
16- Both peaceful protests and violent riots occurred.
17- Protests were peaceful and protesters demanded deep reforms.
18- Some were peaceful and others advocated violence.
19- The strike was mostly peaceful barring a few incidents.
20- His reign marked a relatively peaceful era.
21- It was primarily a peaceful residential neighbourhood before.
22- I shall build a more peaceful world.
23- The region has been peaceful in recent decades.
24- The peaceful periods demonstrated that both sides had common interests.
25- A more peaceful era started after 1710.
26- The waters here are magically calm and peaceful .
27- Iran insists its nuclear program is purely peaceful .
28- Most demonstrations around the state were peaceful .
29- Building and testing peaceful rockets helps national defense .
30- The diverse group was noisy but peaceful .
31- The hotel has many acres of peaceful landscaped grounds.
32- It was entirely peaceful , miraculously enough.
33- A peaceful resolution is desired. 2.
34- The march was peaceful , without incident.
35- It was really peaceful , really calm.
36- It was a peaceful and gentle revolution.
37- China pursues the path of peaceful development.
38- It is a bright and peaceful age.
39- It may set forth principles for a peaceful settlement.
40- The security forces prevented demonstrators from holding a peaceful assembly. However, they are spectacular, and reasonably peaceful choices once acclimated .
41- Never have I seen such a peaceful sight.
42- My father died a peaceful death last night.
43- He led a very peaceful life in the country.
44- Man should make peaceful use of technologies.
45- We must think about peaceful uses of atomic energy.
46- Never in my life have I seen such a peaceful sight.
47- Atomic energy can be utilized for peaceful purposes.
48- My uncle lived a happy life and died a peaceful death.
49- Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life.
50- Mankind will succeed in making peaceful use of atomic energy.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
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