peaceful in a sentence 3

Use ‘peaceful’ in a sentence | ‘peaceful’ example sentences

101- Research suggests that different colors suggest different moods: green is positive, black is powerful, red is exciting, blue is peaceful, and yellow is attention-getting.

102- In April, 1987, nineteen leaders of groups opposed to continued military rule in Chile signed a statement calling for a peaceful effort to restore democracy to that country.

103- Emma Goldman once observed that the contention that a standing army and navy is the best security of peace is about as logical as the claim that the most peaceful citizen is he who goes about heavily armed.

104- Dr.

105- Elizabeth Kübler-Ross once remarked that watching a peaceful death of a human being reminds us of a falling star, one of a million lights in a vast sky that flares up for a brief moment only to disappear into the endless night forever.

106- flash793527These acts are far from peaceful demonstrations,”” she said.”

107- Wiltshire Police said the celebrations were “positive and peaceful”.

108- We also need a peaceful and negotiated solution in Ukraine,” he said.

109- 379713Iran says its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.

110- We have witnessed how Europe’s peaceful order was put into question.”

111- The Davao region has been relatively peaceful for more than a decade.

112- Share this story About sharing Will Burkina Faso election be peaceful?

113- “Yeah for a great majority of practitioners, it is a peaceful religion.

114- Another refers to the limits of freedom: “Islam is a peaceful religion.

115- 279395Here the Chinese president is emphasizing China’s peaceful rise.

116- It’s a peaceful protest, Siemens Hellas spokeswoman Mari Agaliotou said.

117- Opponents of this secular view insist that Islam is a peaceful religion.

118- A single event is unlikely to trigger a peaceful implosion of the regime.

119- And after class, they walk out changed — peaceful, their heads held high.”

120- But observers said that voting had been broadly peaceful across the island.

121- To establish a framework for peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

122- Frustrated Chinese have little opportunity to legally demand peaceful change.

123- Iran has long presented the plant as proof of its peaceful nuclear intentions.

124- The scattered lights of peaceful Bonavista cast the odd shadow inside the bus.

125- Now Britain must continue its peaceful model of settling disputes over disunion.

126- Somewhere that we have a peaceful life and a house where we can live peacefully.

127- Larijani said Iran’s policy is based on peaceful co-existence and Islamic unity.

128- But he says he hopes and believes the response will be “thoughtful and peaceful.”

129- Protestors hold a peaceful rally in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida October 22, 2015.

130- The protests have been peaceful and many say they will go one in the same manner.

131- Everyone knows Sheriff Jim Clark ordered his men to attack peaceful demonstrators.

132- 918669We’ve been trying to keep the strike fairly peaceful without any violence.”

133- 227296Five years ago, Syria was one of the most peaceful countries in the region.”

134- 200838During the day I come up here and lie in the shade, everything is peaceful.”

135- You would not imagine that a gringo (foreigner) would get a peaceful night’s sleep.

136- Now Canada has a duty, advocates say, to reintegrate Khadr into a peaceful society.

137- Gray’s death prompted near-daily and largely peaceful protests that drew thousands.

138- Iran denies developing nuclear weapons and says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful.

139- The other issue is the hostility and risk that these peaceful patrols face nightly.

140- 95523A waking China is a peaceful, amiable and civilised lion””, says President Xi.”

141- For those who love fresh air, the outside area is in a peaceful, pedestrianized area.

142- The upheaval in Burkina Faso was the first peaceful revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa.

143- I think it was the first time in months that I had seen him so peaceful, she recalled.

144- 554593Peaceful conduct The fear is that the results may not be accepted by the loser.

145- A founding member of Peaceful Valley Ch. Service has been postponed until a later date.

146- After all, both sides ultimately have the same goal of safe and peaceful neighborhoods.

147- In the end, however, everyone claimed to have helped them to reach a peaceful solution.

148- He is currently serving a five-year jail sentence for taking part in a peaceful protest.

149- “They firmly believe that there is no alternative to an exclusively peaceful settlement.

150- Small groups typically stage at least small peaceful demonstrations nightly in Ferguson.

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