parasite in a sentence 2

Use ‘parasite’ in a sentence | ‘parasite’ example sentences

50- Sharrakor A creature from Aenir, known as a “Shifter”, who can take the form of a large dragon, a humanoid, a tiny parasite called a mind-drill, and possibly others.

51- The Pied Crested Cuckoo is a brood parasite of this species.

52- Life cycle The parasite‘s secondary hosts are humans and other vertebrates.

53- ” Levy continues on, describing Omar as a parasite living off the drug culture.

54- The Gorgon – a parasite inside the Abbess – chooses Sarah Jane as its next host.

55- Gruby also discovered a parasite in the blood of frogs he called Trypanosoma sanguinis.

56- Lori blasts the parasite with a powerful ray that throws the parasite into the pen with the zombie pigs.

57- Eimeria kinsellai is an apicomplexan parasite of the genus Eimeria that infects the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris).

58- The sore is a result of the extreme immune inflammatory response initiated by a host after being exposed to the parasite.

59- Albendazole is effective both in the intestinal stage and during the stage the parasite is still migrating under the skin.

60- The prevalences of malaria parasite infections in humans and anopheline mosquitoes before and after treatment were studied.

61- The wing’s 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (SRS) tested what was known as a “parasite” fighter, with the B-36 carrying the RF-84K.

62- Cause Naegleria fowleri is commonly referred to as an amoeba but is actually a unicellular parasite that is ubiquitous in soils and warm waters.

63- In 1893 Americans Theobald Smith and Fred Kilborne identified the parasite as the cause of Texas Cattle Fever, the same disease described by Babeş.

64- Licochalcone A, a new antimalarial agent, inhibits in vitro growth of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and protects mice from P. yoelii infection.

65- “A myxosporean parasite (Myxosporea: Multivalvulida) in the skeletal muscle of epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Bonnaterre), from the Great Barrier Reef”.

66- Diagnosis Diagnosis is usually performed by submitting a stool sample for examination by a parasitologist in a procedure known as an Ova and parasite (O&P) Examination.

67- Polaris is driven away after the parasite attacks him.

68- These secrete enzymes that allow the parasite to enter other cells.

69- Prabhu is a parasite, who uses the money and room of Srinivas for his own luxury.

70- “DNA vaccines: technology and application as anti-parasite and anti-microbial agents”.

71- The frog parasite Dermocystidium ranae has recently been segregated as Amphibiocystidium ranae.

72- Babesia bovis is a single-celled protozoan parasite of cattle which occasionally infects humans.

73- No. 4, season 1. parasite, up to cm ( in) long and weighing up to g ( oz) from the late Holocene.

74- However, disease caused by this parasite can be extremely dangerous, causing death or severe symptoms.

75- Probolocoryphe glandulosa is a digenean parasite in the genus Probolocoryphe of family Microphallidae.

76- When a letterboxer joins a parasite to a hitchhiker (“infecting” it), it is stamped into the hitchhiker.

77- The bugs’ capture levels range from very weak to some in the 40s, with 44 being the highest seen, aside from the parasite Emperor.

78- The micronemal protease ROM1 appears to be essential for proper parasitophorous vacuole modification to allow parasite development.

79- The species is without chlorophyll and lives as a parasite on the roots of a number of desert species.

80- Hyperparasitism In hyperparasitism, a parasite of an insect is itself attacked by another insect parasite.

81- Unlike C. parvum, which has a rather broad host range, C. hominis is almost exclusively a parasite of humans.

82- This is a challenging field because parasite proteins are often more difficult to express using a heterologous system.

83- Lysenchyme gall is caused by agents that sink into the plant when the plant cells dissolve away and close around the parasite.

84- In Black Mischief (1932) “Cruttwell” is a social parasite, and he becomes a dubious “bone-setter” in A Handful of Dust (1934).

85- Several cases have been described where infection with a parasitic castrator causes the host to change its behavior in ways that benefit the parasite.

86- When Shuranoo attacks the village, she is kidnapped and taken to Tsukiyomi who then reveals that it is a parasite that had latched on to her mum’s body.

87- This species is a facultative parasite, or hemiparasite, in that it can live without attaching to another plant but will parasitize if presented with the opportunity.

88- The T. brucei parasite has evolved an elegant mechanism to display a completely new coat of VSG antigen, rendering it once again invisible to the host’s immune system.

89- The word ‘parasite‘ evokes the image of an ivy tree, the deconstructive reading that feeds on a mighty masculine oak, the univocal reading, and finally destroys the host.

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