paramedic in a sentence

Use ‘paramedic’ in a sentence | ‘paramedic’ example sentences

1- This procedure is commonly performed by flight paramedics .

2- Park medical staff and local paramedics responded immediately.

3- The paramedics and nurses are highly dedicated and skilled individuals.

4- The station showed paramedics trying to revive a wounded girl .

5- The footage showed paramedics handling Duggan’s body.

6- They trained a lot of paramedics and physicians.

7- What observations did the paramedics make? 2.

8- Some paramedics are concerned about being mistaken as police or firefighters.

9- Three of the original paramedics are still certified in 2011.

10- In one instance, paramedics are seen performing CPR.

11- The paramedic advised the patient against attending hospital.

12- paramedics are employed by various public and private emergency service providers.

13- Hoffer hosted that refractive paramedics could turn computational team.

14- The organization has 8 paramedics and 43 active EMTs.

15- Whatever you don’t put paramedics in riot gear!

16- paramedics treat an injured man outside the mall.

17- These paramedics receive additional training beyond normal EMS medicine.

18- The lives of many American soldiers were saved by German paramedics .

19- A paramedic crew was waiting on the beach.

20- He was only saved by the quick thinking of 2 paramedics .

21- He refused help from paramedics who offered him liquid to drink .

22- One paramedic entered and blocked others ; ie.

23- A frightened crowd gather around the man and paramedics are called in.

24- Amnesty International also reported that security forces targeted paramedics helping injured protesters.

25- A paramedic also was always on-site to provide emergency health care.

26- Each fire station provides an engine company and a paramedic ambulance.

27- paramedics provide advanced levels of care for medical emergencies and trauma.

28- For such accidental cases a mechanism needs to be developed involving paramedics .

29- One IDF paramedic was killed trying to evacuate the wounded.

30- The CoP says the career opportunities for paramedics are broadening .

31- These are targeted response units with two ACP-qualified paramedics .

32- Always the senior paramedic on a normal emergency unit.

33- This light was supposed to differentiate paramedic units from regular rescue units.

34- We also deliver social work and paramedic courses.

35- The paramedics turn up and Jake is nowhere to be seen.

36- Blue: paramedic Single function non fire suppression certified.

37- A paramedic runs for cover outside the mall on September 23.

38- Cal manages to save both girls with the paramedic ‘s help.

39- It operates two helicopters that are staffed by skilled paramedics and doctors.

40- The family were treated at the scene by paramedics for smoke inhalation. Working as a paramedic is a very praiseworthy profession.

41- Sometimes they come out in the wrong setting,” said Peirce, a paramedic.

42- He was a paramedic in Bridgewater for 13 years before becoming a Mountie.

43- The news of Turner’s death has hit the close-knit paramedic community hard.

44- “The paramedic was doing an ECG, and suddenly I saw this great bright light.

45- As a paramedic, Thomas knew the impact of the drugs in his possession, she said.

46- “He’s very lucky,” said J.P. Trottier, a spokesman for Ottawa paramedic Service.

47- Encinia: I had the chain, well, not the chain, but paramedic: You got the two loops?

48- Joining RCMP a lifelong dream Wynn worked as a paramedic in Bridgewater, N.S., for years.

49- A paramedic and a rescue expert will descend into the shelter before the miners are lifted out.

50- Collin Goyman, a paramedic based in Cambridge Bay, announces the attendance incentive to students.

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