painter in a sentence 4

Use ‘painter’ in a sentence | ‘painter’ example sentences

150- 1680 ) ** Antonio Gionima – Italian painter of the late- Baroque period (b.

151- Marziale Carpinoni (c. 1644-1722) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.

152- Biography Ryan was briefly mentored by a painter at the age of 14 in Dallas, TX.

153- Ofili became the first painter to win the Turner Prize since Howard Hodgkin in 1985.

154- Homma, who was an amateur painter and playwright, was also known as the Poet General.

155- John Thomas Seton (c. 1738-1806), also spelled Thomas Seaton, was a Scottish painter.

156- From 1721 to 1724, he was apprenticed to the Konstanz court painter Jacob Carl Stauder.

157- Lluís Dalmau was a 15th-century painter in Catalonia who flourished between 1431 and 1460.

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