stalwarts in a sentence

Use ‘stalwarts’ in a sentence | ‘stalwarts’ example sentences

1- But are the disgruntled stalwarts missing the big picture here?

2- Those candidates are truly hilarious and the party stalwarts not far behind .

3- I really fear for these Premier League stalwarts .

4- This provoked the ire of the stalwarts .

5- As he wandered round, Boris saw all the old stalwarts .

6- But such attacks did not come only from right-wing media stalwarts .

7- The religion-themed game will compete against stalwarts Jeopardy!

8- This movie also featured many Calvin stalwarts in the cast and crew.

9- They became stalwarts of the Cadence label.

10- The basketball success has been attributed to two stalwarts in the coaching profession.

11- He’s not like these stalwarts who come down from Mt.

12- Club stalwarts Ashley Graham and Dallas Johnson also announced their retirements.

13- Republican stalwarts attacked Garner’s substitute bill as a mishmash of bad economics.

14- Today by “Maniates” we mean brave man, stalwarts , heroes.

15- Shuttlesworth and ACMHR stalwarts courageously rescue and shelter the battered riders.

16- Still, Glitch stalwarts clamored to get their hands on memorabilia.

17- There are a number of promotions given to the next generation of party stalwarts .

18- They join such stalwarts as Le Bernardin and French Laundry .

19- France, Spain and Italy have all been stalwarts of the EC.

20- PDP stalwarts have consistently challenged him to conduct the election to test his strength .

21- The stalwarts blocked his agenda, and he refused to compromise with them.

22- My being hemmed in by well-armed stalwarts , was part of the plan.

23- Inspitalfields established 1993, The stalwarts of Old Spitalfields Market.

24- For a start they had to be brawnier than the old stalwarts had been.

25- The faction that brings its stalwarts to the polls on election day seizes power.

26- stalwarts Dewaldt Duvenage and Joe Pietersen will start off the bench .

27- Breweries like Ommegang and Newburgh are popular New York State stalwarts .

28- Backing vocals were provided by Canterbury scene stalwarts Barbara Gaskin and Amanda Parsons.

29- The support of McMath and a handful of other stalwarts was almost certainly determinative.

30- Bush administration, which included many ? stalwarts ? and friends from the ford presidency.

31- The promoters say that sharing should extend beyond the limited non-market exchanges of the stalwarts .

32- They have mostly succeeded , expect for a few stalwarts , like Robert & Pamela.

33- Even NME stalwarts seem to be abandoning their weekly fix ( down 16.6%).

34- Other stalwarts come to mind.

35- Motilal Nehru, Lala Lajpat Rai and some other stalwarts backed Gandhi.

36- However, if policies are changed, party stalwarts will complain that traditional principles are being forgotten.

37- Other stalwarts of the 90s have been Regurgitator, Magic Dirt and Spiderbait.

38- The University awards honorary degree to exemplery stalwarts in recognition of their contribution to the society .

39- Both are stalwarts of the Conservative Alliance, a coalition partner in Qarase’s government.

40- He joins that elite group of Town stalwarts at a time when his future is uncertain. Jeb Bush’s fundraising leadership team blends family stalwarts with newer names.

41- Compounding matters, City’s stalwarts have struggled to recapture the heights of last season.

42- The board also grew to include brass stalwarts Laurie Frink, Mark Gould, Wilmer Wise, and Bob Malone, while Dave Douglas continued as president and director.

43- In 1989 Navajo elders and other Democratic stalwarts determined to run a Navajo for every county post up for election. 56 percent of San Juan’s population was Navajo at the time.

44- He seized his chance following the retirements of stalwarts Lachlan Dreher and Damon Diletti from international competition.

45- B. N. Reddy introduced many stalwarts like Chandra Mohan, Vanisri, Rekha and Vijaya Nirmala as young artists to film industry with this movie.

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