souvenir in a sentence

Use ‘souvenir’ in a sentence | ‘souvenir’ example sentences

1- They are badly damaged by souvenir seekers.

2- He still collects toy and souvenir mouse figures.

3- The metal plate had already been taken by souvenir hunters.

4- These items were later sold as souvenirs .

5- Bright yellow souvenir caps were distributed to walkers.

6- The colourful fabrics and embroidery suggest holiday souvenirs .

7- The souvenir photos are worth the $35 photographer fee.

8- A photo boat arrives for souvenir photos.

9- Every available surface was crowded with small brass souvenirs .

10- There is also a gift shop selling unique souvenirs .

11- These crafts produce the most appealing souvenirs .

12- The tattoos and piercing jewelry are just souvenirs .

13- Jaipur is an ideal place for buying souvenirs .

14- There is a little gift shop for those wanting souvenirs .

15- Some souvenirs and apparel are also available here.

16- There are souvenir stands and flower shops selling bulbs and seeds.

17- They can also buy souvenir prison shirts.

18- There is also a souvenir shop here.

19- There were two souvenir programs sold in theatres.

20- These souvenirs are popular among both the public and collectors.

21- Later a souvenir sheet was also issued.

22- Local militia had to protect it against enthusiastic souvenir hunters.

23- Songs are souvenirs of the generated publicity .

24- The visit was full of the usual souvenirs .

25- Their pepper steak rub also makes an excellent souvenir .

26- I always bring back supermarkets shopping bags as souvenirs .

27- Is there a souvenir shop near here?

28- A good souvenir is always a painting roll.

29- A great souvenir and a tasty treat.

30- Another souvenir telegram was available at the exhibition.

31- Visit to local fish and souvenir market.

32- There is live music, souvenirs and refreshments.

33- A souvenir book with photos. 178 pages.

34- Among murder souvenirs was the dead officer’s police radio.

35- Five ideas for fabulous French souvenirs under five dollars .

36- A fine souvenir of Summer 65 years ago.

37- Free day for independent activities and souvenir shopping.

38- Paper lined with velvet trimmed with artificial flowers and souvenir tokens.

39- Need cash for that last hurricane or souvenir ?

40- The group gladly bought them as souvenirs for 20 cents each. What souvenir do you think she would like most?

41- We went to a native crafts store to buy some little souvenir totem poles.

42- We bought a souvenir of our trip to Scotland, but then discovered on the label that it was made in China.

43- John Lennon sang, “Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.

44- “A souvenir shot gets you in the mood for a complete Hong Kong kung fu experience.

45- He simply wants to know where you should sit if you’d like to take home a souvenir.

46- The University of Pennsylvania police officer got it as a souvenir for his 12-year-old daughter.

47- Kim called the new museum a revolutionary stronghold and took a souvenir photograph with museum staff.

48- Mr Martin said after the training was over he decided he would like one of them to keep as a souvenir.

49- There were also a number of souvenir shops which sold a variety of Japanese-themed items.

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