solved in a sentence 2

Use ‘solved’ in a sentence | ‘solved’ example sentences

51- He solved the difficult problem easily.

52- They have solved the problem once and for all.

53- International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war.

54- No one has ever solved the mystery of the identity of Jack the Ripper.

55- He solved the problem in five minutes that I had struggled with for two hours.

56- Hasn’t it been solved yet?

57- Whose responsibility is it, the prefecture’s or the country’s?

58- The problems in our school system cannot be solved simply by pouring more money into the education budget.

59- Buckminster Fuller once stated that a problem adequately stated is a problem well on its way to being solved.

60- The inadequacies of our school system cannot be solved simply by pouring more money into the education budget.

61- Descartes once said, “Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other probleMs. “Robert Schuller once noted that again and again, the impossible problem is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made.

62- If your ability to accomplish a job does not exceed the peak (hump), on the difficulty scale for one job (project), then no matter how long you wait it will not be solved.

63- Quentin Crisp once said, “The young always have the same problem – how to rebel and conform at the same time.

64- They have now solved this by defying their parents, and copying one another.

65- “Quentin Crisp once suggested that the young always have the same problem – how to rebel and conform at the same time.

66- They have now solved this by defying their parents, and copying one another.

67- 770804The problem, the minister assures, will be solved in 1-2 days.

68- However, if there isn’t, this problem needs to be solved immediately.

69- 193131Donald Trump and Fox News dump each other Mars mystery solved?

70- International Edition Will these Massachusetts killings ever be solved?

71- Unfortunately the world’s problems won’t be solved on a college campus.

72- Social housing problems were to be solved with modern apartment blocks.

73- The supply glut can’t be solved overnight, even as rig counts come down.

74- Kent Police will never close a murder investigation until it is solved.”

75- But then, he went on, “The terrible events in Paris solved this problem.”

76- There were seven homicide cases this year, all of which have been solved.

77- As Will Leitch put it, “The Mets might not have solved the Royals mystery yet.

78- Poltorak believes that the problems that exist today will be certainly solved.

79- There are problems that need to be solved and injustices that need to be ended.”

80- ‘But for his co-operation with police, this crime would have never been solved.’

81- I watched it attentively, unaware that a lifelong mystery was about to be solved.

82- But President Obama says that the problem can only be solved by local populations.

83- Fundamentally it gets solved by the parties on the ground and their power balances.”

84- One lucky contestant solved a long puzzle on “Wheel of Fortune” with only one letter.

85- CNN chronicled the case in a five-part series, “Taken: The Coldest Case Ever solved.”

86- If the problems in Libya are not solved, the EU as a whole has a big problem, she said.

87- It’s going to get solved faster and create very meaningful relationships along the way.

88- Removing a name, removing a symbol is easy and we can say, ‘problem solved,’ Rabb said.

89- And just like Rome was not built in one day that problem cannot be solved just like that.”

90- Moreover, we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully.

91- He now says he believes immigration must be solved as part of a three-step, piecemeal process.

92- The Seattle Seahawks hoped their playoff situation might have been solved by the end of Sunday.

93- Police launched an intense investigation that resulted in 13 recent armed robberies being solved.

94- But his 17th ace solved the problem on the second opportunity as he earned a two-sets-to-love lead.

95- President Franklin D. Roosevelt solved this dilemma in 1933 by taking the U.S. off the gold standard.

96- Authorities say missing persons reports seem to come in waves, and that most are solved within a week.

97- “We are with Donbas with heart and soul, but, unfortunately, such issues are not solved in the street.

98- Using a PA adapter solved audible distortion complaints.

99- In doing so, astronomers have conclusively solved the puzzle of the missing optical afterglow .

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