shown in a sentence 3

Use ‘shown’ in a sentence | ‘shown’ example sentences

98- Research has shown that family pets can be very therapeutic in helping people to overcome depression.

99- Research has shown that children who are continuously bullied at school have a higher rate of suicide.

100- As shown above, it is possible to obtain ample profit and customers with truly simple knowhow that anyone can do!Studies have shown that child abuse is not confined to any particular social or economic class of society.

101- A recent study has shown that laughing lowers levels of stress hormones, and strengthens the immune system.

102- It has been shown repeatedly that massage therapy has a definite value in the treatment of lower back pain.

103- Repeated exposure to individuals in a stereotyped group has been shown to result in a reduction in prejudice.

104- This government has shown itself to be utterly incompetent in handling the financial affairs of this country.

105- The Canadian judiciary has shown a reluctance to jail people convicted of the simple possession of marijuana.

106- Some research into second language learning has shown that fluency increases with moderate amounts of alcohol.

107- Studies have shown that individual brain cells often respond to particular kinds of events in the environment.

108- Belgium and the Netherlands have an underground boundary that differs from the surface boundary shown on maps.

109- Studies have shown that dark-skinned people have a greater tolerance for sunlight than fair-skinned people do.

110- Research has shown that bright yellow and bright blue are the most visible, and therefore safest, colors for cars.

111- A recent study has shown that 98% of Taiwanese enterprises now require applicants to have English language skills.

112- Recent studies have shown that tall men are more likely to stray in a marriage, and divorce more often than short men.

113- Psychologists have shown that externally supplied rewards sometimes actually lower a person’s desire to perform a task.

114- He was always very punctual, so we knew something was wrong when he still hadn’t shown up ten minutes into the meeting.

115- The current state of a love relationship has been shown to be the best predictor of the longevity of that relationship.

116- A recent study has shown that over $2 billion of direct health-care costs in Canada are attributable to physical inactivity.

117- Studies have shown that if schoolchildren don’t eat a proper breakfast, they often find it difficult to concentrate in class.

118- Studies have shown that online discussions using text messages are very different from discussions which are held face-to-face.

119- The old woman wrote in her letter to the editor that she was disgusted by the lack of good manners shown by young people today.

120- Studies have shown that the linguistic abilities of non-humans are vastly and qualitatively different from those of man.

121- qualityA report compiled by a consumer group has shown that prices for computers have been decreasing steadily over the last ten years.

122- The teacher alleged that a number of students had cheated on the test, but the accusation was later shown to be completely untrue.

123- The election has shown that the majority of the population were obviously still resentful towards the government for raising taxes.

124- In 1968, an episode of “Star Trek” featured the very first kiss between a black woman and a white man shown on American television.

125- Studies have shown that babies in the womb will react to sudden loud noises or bright lights that are flashed on the mother’s belly.

126- It has now been shown that cigarette smokers affect the health of those around them even if those people are not smokers themselves.

127- Napoleon was often shown with his hand inside his jacket because he had sores on his stomach that he often scratched until they bled.

128- Studies have shown that individual cells in the brain respond to inadequate supplies of nutrients by motivating a person to seek food.

129- Studies have shown that people who include generous amounts of fruits and vegetables in their daily diets have lower rates of cancers.

130- How should foreign exchange rates be shown?

131- In the foreign exchange market they are displayed centered on the American dollar.

132- It has been shown in science that there is no natural category that includes chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, but excludes humans.

133- Research has shown that one of the prominent characteristics of successful language learners is the ability to make intelligent guesses.

134- Recent studies have shown that practising vigorous exercise for 15 minutes, three times a week, can prolong one’s life by 2.

135- 19 years.

136- Birth rates in the developing countries have not shown a significant decrease, despite their governments’ attempts to introduce contraception.

137- This government has shown itself to be totally incompetent in managing the financial affairs of the country, and has increased our debt by 25%.

138- When indicating ‘tense’ in Chinese, as shown above, there are ‘particles’, ‘timespecifying words’ and also many cases where it depends on context.

139- Studies by Gradman and Hanania have shown that regular out of class reading is the most important direct contributor to success on the TOEFL test.

140- Research by Leki and Carson has shown that second language learners see lack of vocabulary as the major factor affecting the quality of their writing.

141- Discussion question: Research has shown that Asian students perform better on mathematics exams than North American children.

142- Why do you think this is so?Recent studies have shown that people who like to participate in risky sports, such as mountain climbing or parachuting, are also more likely to smoke cigarettes.

143- Recent research has shown that many nights of little sleep, fewer than six hours a night, can impair mental performance as much as not sleeping for two nights in a row.

144- Keith Folse has noted that empirical studies have shown that good second language readers, writers, speakers, and listeners have a more extensive vocabulary under their control.

145- Recent research has shown that certain hormones which are present in plastics, and which come in contact with food, can actually impair sperm production in men who eat such food.

146- Research into language learning has shown that students learn new vocabulary more quickly by doing exercises which require them to repeatedly retrieve a word and its meaning.

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