shouted in a sentence 2

Use ‘shouted’ in a sentence | ‘shouted’ example sentences

50- He shouted at the top of his voice.

51- She shouted at the top of her voice.

52- He lost his temper and shouted at me.

53- We shouted for help, but no one came.

54- They shouted as loudly as they could.

55- She shouted for help, but no one came.

56- Val! he shouted when he recognized her.

57- A man shouted something, waving his hand.

58- She lost her temper and shouted at me.

59- EldadThe officer shouted “Halt!” to the soldiers.

60- The lad leaned over and shouted into Tom’s ear.

61- When he shouted, the veins in his neck stood out clearly.

62- On hearing of the victory, the whole nation shouted for joy.

63- We shouted our names in the canyon, and listened to the echo.

64- He hammered on the table with his fists and shouted in anger.

65- The sergeant shouted at the new recruits to form a single line.

66- The woman shouted angrily at the children to stop teasing the dog.

67- He shouted at the top of his voice, This is a battle we cannot lose.

68- The general shouted, “Charge!” and the soldiers moved quickly forward.

69- She shouted and threatened a policeman by brandishing a knife.

70- FlamingTofuFind someone who has shouted his/her name in order to hear the echo.

71- economyShe got really drunk at the annual Christmas party, and shouted at her boss.

72- The teacher shouted angrily at the children to stop throwing rocks at the school.

73- As the men walked up and down the rows of people, they shouted, Get your dachshund sausages!The children shouted, and then listened for their echoes to come back from the hills.

74- The crowd was furious at the referee, and shouted that the decision should be overturned.

75- The teacher angrily smacked her books on the desk and shouted to the children to sit down.

76- Even if that’s alright with you nobody else will accept it.

77- I’ll get shouted at afterwards so.

78- .

79- .

80- Someone shouted fire during the movie, and two people were seriously injured when people panicked trying to get out of the building.

81- When the judge said, “Good luck, Mr. Cosby,” he shouted: “Thank you!”

82- Many were waving Confederate flags as they shouted “Heritage Not Hate!”

83- 844827This is cheating, shouted another contestant, Patrick Mupereki.”

84- Closure! a soldier shouted after the last travellers had passed across.

85- 492177Mossad shouted, referring to the Hasidim-heavy Diamond District.

86- Reports say Cross shouted “Heil Hitler” after he was taken into custody.

87- One of Knackstedt’s supporters shouted, “Sorry won’t bring Justin back.”

88- The man in the minivan isn’t the only driver who has shouted at Atkinson.

89- A server at the restaurant next door says they shouted, “Respect to refugees!

90- A man in the audience shouted “Death to America”, a cry taken up by the crowd.

91- Someone shouted that they had left, recalled a man identified only as Anthony.

92- “You’re almost there!” she shouted over her shoulder as she reached the summit.

93- The teenage boys who shouted at me could not have seen many Jews in their lives.

94- Lammbrau said Kim shouted about Korean independence while he was being restrained.

95- Members of the audience shouted, and “about five security guards came running down.

96- Experts and advocates of diversity are commonly ignored, dismissed or shouted down.

97- And abolish these unconstitutional security bills,” Shii shouted as the crowd cheered.

98- It’s going to be a landslide,” shouted an ecstatic Lepore as Trump marched into court.

99- He went for spectacular winners, bantered with the crowd, pumped his fists and shouted.

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