sewers in a sentence

Use ‘sewers’ in a sentence | ‘sewers’ example sentences

1- The battle over sanitary sewers steadily intensified.

2- Open sewers are common place in urban areas.

3- An underground sewer system replaced open sewers in 1865.

4- High flow velocities within vacuum sewers prevent such sedimentation problems.

5- Water supply and sewers were not installed completely.

6- Many problems were encountered but the sewers were completed.

7- The robots pursue Scorpion through the sewers .

8- Interceptor sewers receive sewage flow from multiple smaller trunk sewers.

9- Interceptor sewers receive sewage flow from multiple smaller trunk sewers .

10- Wastewater facilities are storm sewers and wastewater treatment plants.

11- The southern system contains three levels of intercepting sewers .

12- With no sewers human waste was dumped in the streets.

13- I found your post card collection of Parisian sewers .

14- In these times there were no sewers .

15- Municipal sewers not classified as 25-year property.

16- The commission flushed out the sewers and improved ventilation.

17- I’m amazed by you scene sewers .

18- sewers were rebuilt during 2009 and early 2010.

19- They rolled through the sewers underneath the guardpost before being detonated.

20- Environment officials care about stopping companies pouring toxic chemicals down the sewers .

21- However Kalwo is facing major pollution problem because city sewers .

22- Public gravity sewers are large diameter pipes (8″ minimum).

23- Welding inside live sewers or working in septic tanks.

24- NTS allows sewers and storm drains to remain separate.

25- sewers were damaged, and water lines were broken.

26- Mains water was introduced and the necessary sewers .

27- Smell alerted the neighbours who suspected faulty sewers .

28- The photos and information is submitted by sewers of all levels.

29- Roads, transit and sewers received a D+.

30- Many see the combined sewers as the culprit.

31- While Israelis build homes and neighborhoods , Palestinians build sewers .

32- Rainwater goes into storm sewers and creeks.

33- In many suburban and rural areas households are not connected to sewers .

34- In low income areas, small bore sewers were to be built.

35- Combined sewers in some areas are being separated to reduce water pollution.

36- At any cost close these public sewers they are calling public schools .

37- Do not allow spills to enter sewers or watercourse.

38- Sanitary sewers were not the only sanitation solution applied.

39- Do not allow spill to enter sewers or watercourses.

40- The wastewater initially flows through gravity sewers to larger collectors and interceptors. We went on a tour of the sewers of Paris when we were there.

41- Their water is contaminated by the open sewers that line the streets in the poorer sections of the city.

42- The country is very poor, and many people get diseases from the water in the open sewers that exist in some cities.

43- That’s on top of 125 calls from residents about frozen pipes, blocked sewers and leaks.

44- The houses were of the most limited kind without basic facilities, sewers or proper streets.

45- In Issue 70, during the second sequid invasion, Robot realized that the One Mind must have an extra host hiding somewhere and went down into the sewers to investigate.

46- The shrykes and goblins meet up in the sewers and, being mortal enemies, begin to attack each other.

47- Sources Blackdamp is encountered in enclosed environments such as mines, sewers, wells, tunnels and ships’ holds.

48- Moreover, he authorized the construction of sewers and removed obstructions to traffic, as the aediles did in Rome.

49- Xander fights with the vampire chasing them in the sewers, finally stakes it, and then accidentally steps on the crystal that fell from Willow’s pocket.

50- In 1884 he became the city surveyor, in which capacity he oversaw the building of Seattle’s first sewers and the Grant Street bridge across the Duwamish River tideflats.

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