seaweed in a sentence 2

Use ‘seaweed’ in a sentence | ‘seaweed’ example sentences

51- “When you fry it, which I have done, it tastes like bacon, not seaweed.

52- A little deeper, the helicopter was shrouded in seaweed and tube-shaped growths.

53- Knut dives for scallops, crabs and even seaweed, which he supplies to just a few customers.

54- In the past the city has cleaned up and carted away as much as 10 truckloads of seaweed a day.

55- Nicholson (1972) refers to exports of “kelp” and “little kelp fires” indicating that the export was of the ash, not the seaweed.

56- Limu kohu in the Hawaiian language means “pleasing seaweed“.

57- Manure, corn stalks, wood chips, seaweed, and other waste products can be used.

58- Egg, seaweed, boiled vegetables or lemon can also be added to the noodles for a better flavour.

59- The sagari of sekitori wrestlers are stiffened with a seaweed-based glue. ; sandanme (三段目): Third level.

60- The brown seaweed Undaria dominates algal aquaculture production constituting 42% of the total wet weight.

61- The bulky cup-shaped nest is made of bark, grass, and even seaweed and line with softer material such as fur or wool.

62- Wading birds are recorded in the marshy areas along with seaweed.

63- This releases a spiraling ray that turns into seaweed and entangles the foe.

64- Sea Sand would be taken up to 10-15 miles inland and seaweed 2 to miles (0 km).

65- People who follow a macrobiotic diet that often includes large amounts of seaweed may be at greater risk.

66- This seaweed also may be added to appetizers, casseroles, muffins, pilafs, soups, toasted dishes, and many other types of food.

67- Burning seaweed was introduced in 1684 by Mr Nance on Teän to provide sodium carbonate for glass making and continued until 1835.

68- Dried and ground fish (sardine, mackerel, or katsuobushi ) and aonori powder (edible seaweed) are sprinkled on top before eating.

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