scissors in a sentence

Use ‘scissors’ in a sentence | ‘scissors’ example sentences

1- The rolling scissors maneuver is somewhat different.

2- Neither measuring tape nor scissors were needed here.

3- The defensive spiral becomes a rolling scissors performed straight down.

4- She was stabbed 15 times with scissors .

5- No tools except the scissors were discarded .

6- A large pair of cutting scissors are essential.

7- The small blade and scissors are probably most useful.

8- I cut my grapes with scissors too.

9- My own daughter has an allergy to scissors .

10- Sketch and using scissors cut the pattern.

11- The sign also stands for ” scissors “.

12- The teeth meet in a scissors bite.

13- First he took scissors and cut four big cardboard circles.

14- The knife and scissors were seized by authorities.

15- Open an individual cavity carefully with scissors .

16- The teeth meet in a strong scissors bite.

17- Use scissors to trim the remaining leaves.

18- Cut out both images with small scissors .

19- But typing ” scissors ” doesn’t work.

20- You’re right about never playing scissors .

21- He always loses the powers game of rock, paper scissors .

22- Don’t use scissors near the line.

23- The pair of scissors at her feet is yours.

24- Who dropped the scissors on that cut?

25- You should have one pair of scissors .

26- Cut spikes using a pair of scissors . 6.

27- You heard me right – cut your grass with scissors .

28- It’s called a pair of scissors !

29- The right edge of this card was cut with decorative scissors .

30- A small pair of stainless scissors will work.

31- The only tools needed are a pair of scissors .

32- Use scissors to cut the paper pattern out.

33- Use scissors to trim excess ribbon from the sides.

34- Cut along the traced line with the decorative edge scissors .

35- Harvest sprouts with a scissors as needed.

36- Just make sure to bring along some scissors .

37- Cut the tape with the scissors provided.

38- She says the man bought scissors from her.

39- He uses a scissors sword as his weapon.

40- Golden scissors will cut through the continuous stream of children. I found nothing but a pair of scissors.

41- I cut the paper with a pair of scissors.

42- I sometimes use scissors as a can opener.

43- Use these scissors to cut through the heavier fabrics.

44- This little pocket knife is really handy, it has a screwdriver, scissors, saw and all kinds of things.

45- Una became scared of everything, sleeping with scissors under her bed.

46- Trimmers armed with scissors prune whole leaves down to usable product.

47- After all, the world is still full of scissors, knives, and drunk drivers.

48- 427973It would probably scare people more than reassure them, scissors said.”

49- A cornucopia of TSA-seized items 15 photos So was a pair of red-handled scissors.

50- During the altercation, Shaw took out the scissors and stabbed Thorpe on the wrist and upper arm.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
scintillationscintillationsscionscionsscissorscissoredscissoringscissorspair of scissorssclerosessclerosisscleroticscoffscoff atscoffed

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