sandbags in a sentence

Use ‘sandbags’ in a sentence | ‘sandbags’ example sentences

1- More sandbags were already sitting at the 9th hole.

2- sandbags may be used to further limit neck movement.

3- While the men unloaded tire , women filled sandbags .

4- sandbags were put up against my office windows.

5- City workers gave out sandbags to concerned residents.

6- The sandbags were too late to rescue it.

7- Employees and contractors were temporarily using sandbags to close these holes.

8- Soldiers emptied their sandbags and tore down their bunkers.

9- The others all dragged on planks and sandbags .

10- In addition , 20,000 sandbags have been distributed.

11- The farm buildings were quickly fortified with sandbags and planking.

12- We threw out a dummy made from sandbags and tent poles.

13- Local militia moved in and began reinforcing the position with sandbags .

14- sandbags build ligament and tendon strength like few other tools can.

15- sandbags were also being distributed in St. Croix.

16- sandbags were arranged around him to absorb ricochets.

17- Think high-tech sandbags , in other words.

18- I enjoy carrying the kettlebells & sandbags overhead & walking for distance.

19- Perhaps sandbags and apply the foam before skinning the wing?

20- sandbags will not be dropped off if no problem is found.

21- Residents have been using sandbags on the properties most at risk.

22- sandbags were arranged behind him to prevent any ricochets.

23- Out of season they helped build up local defences by filling sandbags .

24- Dug-outs were built and sandbags deployed to protect the more important officers.

25- Let’s say you believe that sandbags have a place.

26- It’s like throwing sandbags over the side to gain height again.

27- In 1941, safeguarding the objects with sandbags and other measures began.

28- They tried to leap over the sandbags , but were too slow.

29- Then we do high intensity training, like weights and dragging sandbags .

30- Mackay then instructed his party to fortify the position with sandbags .

31- Blackhawk helicopters continued to deliver 7,000 pound sandbags to London Avenue.

32- In Trenton, workers used sandbags to prevent flooding from affecting government buildings.

33- The vineyard has been bulldozed and the base is surrounded by giant sandbags .

34- The last pair had to toss the six sandbags into six little square holes .

35- sandbags were used to stem the flow but several corridors were soon under water.

36- Overnight , sandbags sprouted on football fields and roundabouts.

37- No more than 24 sandbags will be dropped off in a year.

38- Grimes designed his cable to be held to the bottom with sandbags .

39- sandbags were also trucked in from the surplus stock from Winnipeg.

40- See “Auctioning” for a special bid to rid of sandbags . She planned to spend the evening putting sandbags in front of her garage.

41- As such, residents are going to have to continue stacking those sandbags.

42- Lewes District Council has tweeted information about where residents could obtain sandbags.

43- sandbags used to protect Bandy Doyle’s home from flood waters are strewn all over her property.

44- The California colonization was small enough to be considered controllable: it was covered with tarpaulin which was held down with sandbags at the edges of the infestation.

45- sandbags, while dangerous, also count as single points, so a team may win a game (i.

46- sandbags were piled high against houses and numerous bunkers could be found on every street corner.

47- Usage sandbags may be used during emergencies when rivers threaten to overflood, or a levee or dike is damaged.

48- The Japanese defenses included dozens of tunneled caves dug into the hill’s limestone cliffs and machinegun pits protected by sandbags.

49- Texas Army National Guard Chinook and Blackhawk helicopter crews had placed an average of 600 7,000-pound sandbags each day into the breaches.

50- Levee repair efforts were undertaken, involving reinforcing the levees with pounds (0 kg), sandbags deployed by U.S. Army Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters.

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